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Customize the Tooltip text

Software FX

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There is an event that you can fire threw client side script that will allow you customize the text as each pointlabel is being drawn. The event is set like this.


So based upon nSeries and nPoint you could edit the text that would be placed in label.

Please take a look at the ChartFX API reference guide for a more detailed explanation of this event and how it can be used. I would also advise that you take a look at this sample on our support site that shows how to set a ChartFX event http://support.softwarefx.com/Samples/CfxIE/activex/GetLegend.asp. Although this event that is demonstrated in this sample is not the GetPointLabel event it should prove to be helpful for you since the syntax is very close for the two events.

Justin Trask

Software FX

-----Original Message-----

From: Matias F. garcia [mailto:matiasg@adecef.com]

Posted At: Monday, October 23, 2000 11:25 AM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Customize the Tooltip text

Subject: Customize the Tooltip text

Can I change the text what appears in the tooltips?

Because I need show extended information of values of the chart


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