User (Legacy) Posted October 23, 2000 Report Share Posted October 23, 2000 Have you managed to resolve this issue? I have exactly the same problem. About 50% of the time when using the ActiveX control, the legend is not being displayed. Margaret Barrett <> wrote in message Here is the code that generates my graph. I cannot get the legend box to display consistently. Any suggestions? It seems to be there with size = 0 because when I look at it in browser and click legend box , something small disappears and if I click again it appears the right size. Help????? Set conn2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn2.Open("DBQ=D:\Database\SupplyEff\SuppEff.mdb;DefaultDir=D:\Database\Sup plyEff;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;ImplicitCommitSync=Yes;MaxBufferSize=512;MaxScanRows=8;PageTimeout=5; SafeTransactions=0;Threads=3;UID=admin;UserCommitSync=Yes;") set rs = conn2.Execute(chartsqlA) set Chart2 = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer4B") Chart2.AdoResultset(rs) Chart2.Chart3D = False Chart2.Type = Chart2.Type or CT_SHOWVALUES or CT_SERLEGEND Chart2.SerLegBox = True Chart2.OpenDataEx 65, 2, J Chart2.CloseData 65 Chart2.OpenDataEx COD_COLORS,2,1 Chart2.color(0)=RGB(0,255,0) Chart2.series(1).color=RGB(0,0,255) Chart2.CloseData COD_COLORS Chart2.Series(0).Gallery =4 Chart2.Series(1).Gallery =2 Chart2.Series(0).MarkerShape = 2 Chart2.Series(0).MarkerSize = 5 Chart2.series(0).legend = "Effectiveness" Chart2.series(1).legend= "Total Demand" Chart2.Axis(AXIS_Y).Step = 10 Chart2.Axis(AXIS_Y).Min = 70 Chart2.Axis(AXIS_Y).Max = 100 Chart2.Title(2) = "Effectiveness" Chart2.Series(1).YAxis = AXIS_Y2 Chart2.Axis(AXIS_Y).Format = "#,##0" Chart2.Axis(AXIS_Y2).Format = "#,##0" Chart2.Axis(AXIS_Y2).Step = 500 Chart2.Axis(AXIS_Y2).Min = 0 Chart2.Axis(AXIS_Y2).Max = 2000 Chart2.series(1).PointLabels = 1 Chart2.series(0).PointLabels = 1 Chart2.OpenDataEx 2, 1, 0 Chart2.Const(0) = 95 Chart2.FixLeg(0) = "Goal" Chart2.ConstantLine(0).LineStyle = 1 Chart2.ConstantLine(0).LineColor = RGB(255,0,0) Chart2.CloseData 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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