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RE: Graph Image

Software FX

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This behavior seems to indicate that the chart file generated by the server component is not being understood by our client components.

Did you update the client components ?

Please make sure the \Program Files\CfxIE\Config\CfxSrv.ini contains the latest version of the client controls in both the CODEBASE and PLUGINVERSION attributes


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Tim Kisker [mailto:tkisker@blueband.net]

Posted At: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 11:38 AM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Graph Image

Subject: Graph Image

Using ChartFX 2000, I'm building graphs via the GetHtmlTag method with the

3rd parameter set as "activex" to utilize mouse-over features. After

installing the latest service pack, I'm getting the "default" graph

attributes (random values, no labels, drag/drop capabilities) even though I

have my own attributes set. If I change the 3rd parameter to "image", then

I lose my mouse-over capabilities, but the graph appears correctly. Does

anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.


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