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RE: Recordset for multiple series scatter chart

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There is a limitation of 32 series when binding to a recordset. We will try to remove this restriction in a future service pack, in the meantime you will have to transverse the recordset manually and pass the data one point at a time to ChartFX.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Mark Johnston [mailto:mark.johnston@pnl.gov]

Posted At: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 5:11 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: Recordset for multiple series scatter chart

Subject: Re: Recordset for multiple series scatter chart


I have found that passing a recordset with more than 32 columns (the

recordset looks like your second example below) to an XY plot seems to

always produce an incorrect chart. This means, in effect, that no more than

16 series can be plotted using a recordset as the input to the chart. Is

this an issue which has been addressed in a service pack?



"Juan C. Cegarra" wrote:

> ChartFX supports a recordset like


> XValue Series1 Series2 Series3

> ------ ------- ------- -------

> ...


> and it also supports a recordset like


> XValue1 Series1 XValue2 Series2 XValue3 Series3

> ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

> ...


> If you want to use the same color and shape for all the series you would

> use the MarkerShape and Color property for each series, e.g.


> Chart.Series(0).MarkerShape = XX

> Chart.Series(1).MarkerShape = XX

> Chart.Series(0).Color = RGB(YY,ZZ,FF)

> Chart.Series(1).Color = RGB(YY,ZZ,FF)


> If your Data Set looks like


> XValue1 Series1 Volume1 XValue2 Series2 Volume2 XValue3 Series3

> Volume3

> ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------

> -------

> ...


> A bubble chart would use the VolumeX data to calculate the diameter of

> each bubble.


> Regards,


> Juan Cegarra

> Software FX, Inc.

> support.softwarefx.com


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Mark Johnston [mailto:mark.johnston@pnl.gov]

> Posted At: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 6:48 PM

> Posted To: Server

> Conversation: Recordset for multiple series scatter chart

> Subject: Recordset for multiple series scatter chart


> I would like to create a recordset which CfxIE can read to create a

> scatter chart with multiple series. All the examples I have seen which

> use a recordset and multiple series use a common set of "X" values with

> multiple (series) "Y" values associated with each. A recordset which

> might generate such a chart would look like the following, if I

> understand the examples you give correctly:


> XValue Series1 Series2 Series3

> ------ ------- ------- -------

> ...


> I am currently generating the following sort of recordset:


> SeriesName XValue YValue

> ---------- ------ ------


> The catch is that there is not a common set of X values to correlate

> across several series -- they may be different between each series. It

> would be ideal (from my perspective) if my current recordset

> organization could drive the creation of a multiple series scatter

> chart. However, I'm adaptable ... 8^). My goal is for each of the

> series to use the same color and shape formatting on the resulting

> chart. The number of series and the number of points in each series is

> dynamic, based on the input to the ASP page.


> In a future revision, we are considering the use of a bubble chart in

> order to visually express a sort of confidence factor in the data we are

> displaying. Is there a way to format a recordset with the same sort of

> data as above in order to produce a bubble chart?


> Thanks in advance,


> Mark Johnston

> Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

> Seattle, WA USA

> mailto:mark.johnston@pnl.gov

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