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RE: *** Dual Y axises and 4 series ***

Software FX

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To have multiple Y axes you will need to use the MultiYaxis property 

To have multiple gallery types you will need to use the MultiType property

Both of these properties should be set after the data has been passed to the chart.


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Yang Xie [ mailto:yxie@ziplink.net]

Posted At: Thursday, July 27, 2000 5:45 PM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: *** Dual Y axises and 4 series ***

Subject: *** Dual Y axises and 4 series ***

Hello all:

I have a .asp page displaying a chart. I am using chart FX

IE 3.5. My recordset contains 5 columns and 12 rows. 1st

column is for X-axis, 2nd and 3rd are percentage and I would

like to use 'line and dot' and use left Y axis for these TWO

series. the 3rd and 4th series are quantities. and I would

like to use bar chart and right Y axis to represent these

TWO series. How can I do this? could any one please shed

some lights on this one? Eventually the chart should look

like 2 color of lines and 2 sets of color bars. I looked all

the helps and still don't know what to do. please, please


Thank you so much!


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