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RE: formating date labels

Software FX

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This is not supported since we use the same format to display the axis labels and the tooltip mask. 


Juan Cegarra

Software FX, Inc.


-----Original Message-----

From: Filip Kratochvil [ mailto:filipk@iname.com]

Posted At: Tuesday, May 02, 2000 2:21 AM

Posted To: Server

Conversation: formating date labels

Subject: formating date labels

When creating ActiveX chart where Axis X has date as labels I would like to

display the labels in format: MMM-YY

This is working fine when I use:

chart.DateFormat = "DMMM-yy"

but when I go with the mouse over the chart that is also all I get.

What I would like to achieve is following:

on the X axis I want the format MMM-YY

when going over the graph itself with the mouse I would like DD-MMM-YY


How can I achieve this.

Thanks in advance for your help


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