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Oh, and BTW CHART_HIDDEN does not work either

User (Legacy)

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Just ran into another problem, the CHART_HIDDEN constant does not seem to 

work. Example code is attached below. I have 2 line series. On has more

points than the other. I need to hide the last point of the second series

so the trend line does not nosedive into the x axis. I have tried several

permutations of the setting below, without success:

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",4,'CHART_HIDDEN')>

I have tried no quotes, single and double quotes around the CHART_HIDDEN

constant. Nothing seems to get it to recognize it.





<CFOBJECT ACTION="Create" NAME="Chart1" CLASS="ChartFX.WebServer">

<CFSET Chart1.UserAgent = #HTTP_USER_AGENT#>

<cfinclude template="includes/CfxIECF.inc">

<!-- General Settings -->

<CFSET Chart1.TypeMask = 109576193>

<CFSET Chart1.MarkerShape = 0>


<cfset Chart1.OpenDataEx(COD_XVALUES,2,5)>

<CFSET Chart1.OpenDataEx(COD_VALUES,2,5)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",0,1990)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",1,1992)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",2,1994)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",3,1996)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",4,1998)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",0,0)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",1,100)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",2,200)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",3,300)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",4,1000)>

<CFSET Chart1.ThisSerie = 1>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",0,1990)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",1,1992)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",2,1994)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",3,1996)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("XValue",4,1998)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",0,0)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",1,200)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",2,400)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",3,600)>

<CFSET Chart1.SetArrayProp("Value",4,'CHART_HIDDEN')>

<CFSET Chart1.CloseData(COD_VALUES)>

<CFSET Chart1.CloseData(COD_XVALUES)>

<!-- Other Settings -->

<CFSET Chart1.Border = 6553608>

<CFOUTPUT> # Chart1.GetHtmlTag(589,300,"Auto","Chart1") # </CFOUTPUT>



Chris Denslow

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