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ChartFX Pie Dataset Hardcoded?

User (Legacy)

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I've been using SimpleChart, but now need ChartFX.

Q. How can I hardcode a ChartFX Pie and dataset?

Here is code for SimpleChart and dataset:

if (dataset.Pie.Rows.Count > 0)


DataView dv = new DataView(dataset.Pie);

foreach (DataRowView drv in dv)


object missing = Missing.Value;

string names = Convert.ToString(drv["names"]);

double counts = Convert.ToDouble(drv["counts"]);

SimpleChart.pieChart.ChartData.Add(names, counts,

FillStyle.scFillModeAutoSolid, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref

missing, ref missing, ref missing);


for (int i = 1; i <= SimpleChart.pieChart.ChartData.Count; i++)


SimplyChart.pieChart.ChartData[i].Value = i * 100;

tabControl2.TabPages[5].Text = ("Users#: " + "(" + i + ")");


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I've been using SimpleChart, but now need ChartFX.

Q. How can I hardcode a ChartFX Pie and dataset?

Here is code for SimpleChart and dataset:

if (dataset.Pie.Rows.Count > 0)


DataView dv = new DataView(dataset.Pie);

foreach (DataRowView drv in dv)


object missing = Missing.Value;

string names = Convert.ToString(drv["names"]);

double counts = Convert.ToDouble(drv["counts"]);

SimpleChart.pieChart.ChartData.Add(names, counts,

FillStyle.scFillModeAutoSolid, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref

missing, ref missing, ref missing);


for (int i = 1; i <= SimpleChart.pieChart.ChartData.Count; i++)


SimplyChart.pieChart.ChartData[i].Value = i * 100;

tabControl2.TabPages[5].Text = ("Users#: " + "(" + i + ")");


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