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Show all X Axis values

User (Legacy)

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I'm using a Bar chart.

I would like to know how to tell the graph to show all X Axis values. Once

my graph gets to have a certain number of X Axis values, it decides it's

only going to print every second one.

Also - is there a way to define the Interval used on the Y Axis?



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You can set:

chart.AxisX.Step = 1;

However, Chart FX is selecting a bigger step for a reason, there is not

enough space. If you set Step to 1 you may end up with overlapping labels.

You can work with other setting such as LabelAngle and Stagered to increase

the numbers of label displayed in a limited space.



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You can set:

chart.AxisX.Step = 1;

However, Chart FX is selecting a bigger step for a reason, there is not

enough space. If you set Step to 1 you may end up with overlapping labels.

You can work with other setting such as LabelAngle and Stagered to increase

the numbers of label displayed in a limited space.



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