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Missing X-Axis Labels And Other Questions

User (Legacy)

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1.)  I am new to this product and I am not seeing all of the X-Axis labels.

I am not sure if this is because my dataset is so large (169 Plots ) with a

chart size of 560x320. It shows one Label - also if I turn on the Legend

box it lists at least 24 of What should be X-Axis Values. I imagine if I

displayed all 169 X-Axis Labels it would look horrendous, because in the

lite version you can't stagger labels? So my basic question is the chart

reducing the amount of labels shown? Is there a way to control this?

2.) Also, most of the plots I have are between 0.05 - 0.50, but a few <5

can get up to 24 or 30. This results in a chart that shows a smear of all

the plots o Y-AXIS. Is there any control over peak values? I would much

rather expland out the 0 - 1 to get a better chart. Is there any control of




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1.)  I am new to this product and I am not seeing all of the X-Axis labels.

I am not sure if this is because my dataset is so large (169 Plots ) with a

chart size of 560x320. It shows one Label - also if I turn on the Legend

box it lists at least 24 of What should be X-Axis Values. I imagine if I

displayed all 169 X-Axis Labels it would look horrendous, because in the

lite version you can't stagger labels? So my basic question is the chart

reducing the amount of labels shown? Is there a way to control this?

2.) Also, most of the plots I have are between 0.05 - 0.50, but a few <5

can get up to 24 or 30. This results in a chart that shows a smear of all

the plots o Y-AXIS. Is there any control over peak values? I would much

rather expland out the 0 - 1 to get a better chart. Is there any control of




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The Step property in the AxisX object controls how often labels are drawn,

this step is by default automatically calculated based on the size of the

chart and labels. You can manually set it too but then labels may overlap.

In the full version of the product there is a set of properties that allow

you to fit more labels such as staggered or vertical labels.



Software FX, Inc.

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The Step property in the AxisX object controls how often labels are drawn,

this step is by default automatically calculated based on the size of the

chart and labels. You can manually set it too but then labels may overlap.

In the full version of the product there is a set of properties that allow

you to fit more labels such as staggered or vertical labels.



Software FX, Inc.

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