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Statistical Extension Boxplot + data from datasource

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I'm new to ChartFX and studying mainly the statistical functions with the

trial license.

I made a boxplot. Using the sample code with random values, 6 "X" values

were shown.

However, when selecting data from a database, it only shows 1 "X" value.

My select is returning years and measures : select per_yy, measure from

table; I'm sure data of two years are returned.

However, the boxplot is only showing data from 1 year, i.e. only 1 X is

shown ; if I do "order by per_yy" data of the first year is shown, with

"order by per_yy desc" only data of the last year is shown.

I surely will be doing something wrong, but what ?

C# code and result boxplot are added in attachment.

I would appreciate if you answer in this newsgroup and by e-mail


Many thanks!

Luc Bomans

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The box-plot will plot as many boxes as series are in your chart.

For what you are describing, your chart has only one series.

If you want to convert a set of data like this:

Year Value

2000 100

2000 200

2001 300

2001 200

2001 500

2002 300

2002 200

2002 100


Y2000 Y2001 Y2002

100 300 300

200 200 200

500 100

You need to use the Cross Tab provider using the Year as your Pivot.

For information about using the CrossTab provider please refer to the

Programmer's Guide under:

Passing Data -> Crosstab


Francisco Padron



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