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x-axis values not on edge

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I have a graph that will basically contain a curve type graph along with a 

stacked bar graph. I can get the values in there fine. The problem I'm

having is with how the bars are placed and how the labels are placed on the


In the design-time view of sample data the labels don't appear on the edge.

Instead they appear in from the edges. Is there some setting I am not

setting correctly?

The same on the bar graph part. It is showing to the right of the x-axis

mark when the sample data shows it centered.

Lance Johnson

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Prior to setting the gallery for each series, make sure you set the main 

gallery to Bar as follows:

chart.AllSeries.Gallery = Gallery.Bars;

The problem you are experiencing is caused by an incompatibility between the

X-Axis and the Bar gallery. The X-Axis is being set-up to be a "real" X-Axis

meaning that X-Values are used for positioning points, unlike Line chars,

Bar charts don't support this, by setting the main gallery to bars you are

instructing Chart FX to have an X-Axis that is not a "real" x-axis.

For more information on this duality, please refer to the following KB


Q7501005. Data-Driven X-Axis vs. X/Y Chart



Francisco Padron



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