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Problem with annotations

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I'm additon ballon annotation to my charts and I'm exepriencing some issues:

1-I'd like to have ballons adjuting their position when user resize chart

without using attach (don't want to attach annotation to point), is this


2-When editing text i have an annoying flickering that causes rendering uite

hard, editing works and problem stops after editing

3-Dragging balloon over the chart causes some redraw problem i see the

ballon trail.

4-Sometimes selecting ballon and clicking Delete key i can delete ballon,

sometimes it can't, any idea why?



Corrado Cavalli [Microsoft .NET MVP-MCP]

UGIdotNET - http://www.ugidotnet.org

Weblog: http://blogs.ugidotnet.org/corrado

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> 1-I'd like to have ballons adjuting their position when user resize chart 

> without using attach (don't want to attach annotation to point), is this

> possible?

No. If you want the annotation to re-size you need to attach it otherwise it

would not know at which rate to re-size.

Why doesn't attach work for you ? When you say "don't want to attach

annotation to point", what do you mean ? Why ?

> 2-When editing text i have an annoying flickering that causes rendering

> uite hard, editing works and problem stops after editing

While editing the text (while typing) or after editing the text ? I'm unable

to reproduce this.

> 3-Dragging balloon over the chart causes some redraw problem i see the

> ballon trail.

Can't reproduce either. Do you have a repro case ?

> 4-Sometimes selecting balloon and clicking Delete key i can delete ballon,

> sometimes it can't, any idea why?

The delete key will only work if the chart has the focus. If you click on

another control that takes the focus the delete key will go to that control.



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> Why doesn't attach work for you ? When you say "don't want to attach 

> annotation to point", what do you mean ? Why ?

I mean that user can place ballon in any place not necessarily in a place

where a point is.

> While editing the text (while typing) or after editing the text ? I'm

> unable to reproduce this.

While editing the text, when, after editing, i click outside baloontip i see

new text and annotation looks fine.


>> 3-Dragging balloon over the chart causes some redraw problem i see the

>> ballon trail.

I just added a baloon annotation, clicked on it (grab point appears around

baloon) then dragged around, while draggin i see baloon trail, at the end ,

balloontip looks good.


> Can't reproduce either. Do you have a repro case ?


> The delete key will only work if the chart has the focus. If you click on

> another control that takes the focus the delete key will go to that

> control.

I click on balloon, see grab handles, click delete, nothing happens, try

again same procedure, it works (somtimes)

I have many refresh problem, issues, I'll try using another machine then

I'll let you know.

My graphic card is a GEForce4 4200 Go, any problem with it?



Corrado Cavalli [Microsoft .NET MVP-MCP]

UGIdotNET - http://www.ugidotnet.org

Weblog: http://blogs.ugidotnet.org/corrado

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> I mean that user can place balloon in any place not necessarily in a place 

> where a point is.

Attach doesn't force you to that. Attach allows you to "attach" an object to

LOGICAL coordinates, these are coordinates in the X and Y-Axis so that when

the scale changes, the object is moved/resized appropriately. Please check

out the docs. for more info.

About the re-paint problems, please let me know what you get in the other

computer. Sometimes bugs in video drivers cause this type of behavior. Also,

you may want to look in the web for an updated version of your video card




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