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Zoomed copy metafile to clipboard with annot groups

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I created a chart with annotation lines, arrows, and text grouped into

annotation groups. There seem to be two problems.

FIrst, when I zoom into a portion of the chart, the annotations extend

beyond the chart borders (axis limits) on screen. Copying to the clipboard

(using the toolbar) as a bitmap also shows the objects outside the chart


Second, copying to the clipboard as an enhanced metafile includes the

grouped annotation objects that lie outside the zoom plot area. Their full

extent is included in the bounding area of the metafile, and I end up with

objects off to the sides or top way outside the chart itself.

Code to see these effects is listed below.

It looks to me as if the annotation groups are being included in their

entirety in the copy to clipboard operation, instead of being clipped at the

chart zoom boundaries.

If I don't group the annotation objects, the first effect still occurs: they

overlap the axes' bounds upon zooming in. However, those that lie entirely

outside the axes' bounds are not copied into the metafile any longer.

Thanks for any feedback on how to get metafiles that reflect only what

appears on the chart.

-- John


Imports softwareFX.ChartFX

Imports SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Annotation

Imports SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Data

Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "


#End Region

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

'make a line

Dim xvalues() As Double = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Dim yvalues() As Double = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}

Dim allvalues(1) As Object

allvalues(0) = xvalues

allvalues(1) = yvalues

Chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Lines

Chart1.DataSourceSettings.DataType(0) = DataType.XValue

Chart1.DataSourceSettings.DataType(1) = DataType.Value

Dim lstProvider As New ListProvider(allvalues)

Chart1.DataSourceSettings.DataSource = lstProvider

Dim group As New AnnotationGroup

Dim annotx As New SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Annotation.AnnotationX



Dim circle As New AnnotationCircle

circle.Color = Color.Blue

circle.Height = 30

circle.Width = 30

circle.Attach(5, 3)



Dim balloon As New AnnotationBalloon

balloon.Text = "a balloon"

balloon.TailCorner = 1

balloon.ArrowFactor = 10

balloon.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Black

balloon.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gold


balloon.Attach(2, 3)



Dim text As New AnnotationText

text.Text = "Some text"

text.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue

text.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent

text.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent


text.Attach(2, 5)



Dim arrow As New AnnotationArrow

arrow.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Salmon

arrow.Height = 30

arrow.Width = 30

arrow.Attach(4, 8)

arrow.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red




End Sub

End Class

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1) in Chart FX 6.2 the Annotation object have a property called DrawingArea.

When set to true, they will be clipped to the chart's drawing area (between

the axes)

2) If the objects are properly attached, they will be moved/resized

accordingly when you zoom-in or out. When this is combined with the

DrawingArea property, they will also be restricted to the chart's drawing




Software FX, Inc.

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Yes, the DrawingArea property has the desired effect on individual objects.

However, when the drawing objects are added to a annotationx group.list,

their individual DrawingArea vales are ignored, so that the original problem

with the metafile occurs.

Also, if I set the group.DrawingArea property to True, the entire group is

neither displayed nor copied to the metafile at all, regardless of the zoom

setting. The objects in the group all lie well within the chart boundaries.

Checking the boundaries of the group that results from the code in the

previous method, the group.left property is -37: does this then cause the

group not to display?

I'm using annotation groups to allow the user to show/hide the annotations

by category as the chart is too complex with all the annotations displayed.

I'm going to code the effect I want instead of using the built-in groups,

unless there's a simple answer to this one.

-- John

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> 1) in Chart FX 6.2 the Annotation object have a property called


> When set to true, they will be clipped to the chart's drawing area


> the axes)


> 2) If the objects are properly attached, they will be moved/resized

> accordingly when you zoom-in or out. When this is combined with the

> DrawingArea property, they will also be restricted to the chart's drawing

> area.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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Yes, that's what I did. If group.DrawingArea == True then nothing in the

group is displayed or copied to the metafile. If group.DrawingArea == False

then the group is displayed and the objects in group.list behave as if each

obj.DrawingArea = False. This is with the objects in the supplied code.

-- John

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Did you try setting DrawingArea to true to the Group object itself ?


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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The problem here seems to be the following:

A group with attached objects inside is not able to correctly calculate its


I will check to see whether or not this can be changed. I suggest the

following workaround:

1) Call RecalcBounds after the objects have been drawn. This way, the

logical position have already been translated to physical positions.

2) Do not use groups to group attached objects.



Software FX

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Thanks for the suggestions. I added several annotx lists to the chart

extensions, and used the individual annotx lists to hold the individual

graphic items. Then, I traverse each list as required and enable or disable

each item's visibility.

The group route would be easier, but this is working fine now.

-- John

"SoftwareFX Support" <noreply@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Ok.


> The problem here seems to be the following:


> A group with attached objects inside is not able to correctly calculate


> bounds.


> I will check to see whether or not this can be changed. I suggest the

> following workaround:


> 1) Call RecalcBounds after the objects have been drawn. This way, the

> logical position have already been translated to physical positions.


> 2) Do not use groups to group attached objects.


> --

> FP

> Software FX



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