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Data editor shows invalid dates when using different datasets

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I'm currently evaluating ChartFX for dotNet but I discovered a problem.

I'm generating a line graph containing three lines with a date along the

X-axis. But the three subsets containing the data don't have the same dates

or even data at a given date where another line of the graph does have data.

The graph is drawed correctly, but the data in the data editor isn't

correct. I attachted a sample of this behaviour: the green and blue lines

are correct, but the red one isn't. The red line has a date of 22 November,

but in the data editor it is shown as the 20th! Is the a way to correct this

strange behaviour?


Pieter Boeren, Growlab B.V.

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By default, the data editor displays the X-Values as headers. This is useful

in most cases when the X-Values for all the series are the same, which is

both your case.

You can change this behavior and instead display the X-Values for each

series in separate rows by doing:




Software FX, Inc.


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> You can change this behavior and instead display the X-Values for each

> series in separate rows by doing:


> chart.DataEditorObj.XValuesAsHeaders=false;

This does work, but now the highligting in the data editor is broken. When I

point the mouse on the first dataset, all the datapoint are hightlighted

horizontaly (as should be), but when I point my mouse to the second dataset,

only the description of the subset is highligted and not the datapoints.

When I tried to make a screenshot of this behaviour (using ALT-PrintScreen)

things got worse: see the attached screenshot (the cursor of the mouse was

on the "PAR sensor afdeling B")...

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