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Lining up the GridLines of the Y Axis and Secondary Y Axis

User (Legacy)

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I've got a column chart that has an Axis for both Series of the reported 

data (Worker Efficiency and Total Hours Worked). The Max of the

Efficiency columns are going to always be around 100. The Max Total

Hours worked can vary anywhere from 220 to 2200 depending on the time

frame that the chart is ran.

I'm am needing to have the tick marks on both Y Axis to line up so that

the gridlines that I set up will go from tick mark to tick mark.

Is there an easy way to do this or am I going to have to create code to

do some funky scaling. I'm not afraid to do the latter, but I'd much

rather do the former.

Thanks in advance,


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There is no easy way to achieve this.

You basically need to synchronize starting points and steps on both scales.

First you need to align the Min of both axis and then calculate the step of

one based on the other.

To guarantee "nice" labels on both axis, you will have to adjust the Min and

Max of both. I haven't done this so I haven't done the math.



Software FX, Inc.

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Is there some way that I can set the Min and Max and then say both axis 

must get to the Max in n number of steps?

I guess that goes back to the whole determining the ratio of the steps


When I figure it out I'll post it.



SoftwareFX Support wrote:

> There is no easy way to achieve this.


> You basically need to synchronize starting points and steps on both scales.


> First you need to align the Min of both axis and then calculate the step of

> one based on the other.


> To guarantee "nice" labels on both axis, you will have to adjust the Min and

> Max of both. I haven't done this so I haven't done the math.


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