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Pie chart tilt not playing nice with rotation

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I have a pie chart with the Chart3D and View3D properties set to true.  I

increment AngleY (rotation) and the pie chart rotates after the

RecalcScale(). I increment AngleX (tilt) and the pie chart tilts after the

RecalcScale(), but rotation is redrawn as if its set to 0. I can see my

values for AngleX and AngleY are not 0. Once I decrement the AngleX to 0,

then the AngleY value is redrawn correctly. What am I missing?

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Here are the pics.  The first one is 0 AngleX and 0 AngleY.  The second is 0

AngleX and 90 AngleY. The third one is 50 AngleX and 90 AngleY.

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Rotation in Y is not supported if you have "separated slices". I think


> is what you are experiencing.


> If you attach a couple of picture I would be able to tell you for sure.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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Very strange. My guess is that you are inadvertedly setting the

SeparateSlice property even though it is not visually evident. Maybe because

it is being set to zero.

For design reasons, when the SeparateSlice property is set, the Y-Angle is

ignored (in 3D charts, a Zero-Zero angle chart is considered 2D).

So check your code to see if you are in fact setting SeparateSlice anywhere

and get rid of it.

If you can't find this, please export the chart to a binary file using the

Export method and attach it, I should be able to tell if the SeparateSlice

is actually set an through which property.

Try calling ClearData (CD_ALL) prior to initializing your char to get rid of

any previous settings.



Software FX, Inc.


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That was it.  Thanks.  I got ride of the SeparateSlice setting we do and we

can see AngleY and AngleX working together now. I know you said for design

reasons that AngleY is ignored. Are you in the future going to implement

AngleY when SeparateSlice property is set? Just curious.

"Software FX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> Very strange. My guess is that you are inadvertedly setting the

> SeparateSlice property even though it is not visually evident. Maybe


> it is being set to zero.


> For design reasons, when the SeparateSlice property is set, the Y-Angle is

> ignored (in 3D charts, a Zero-Zero angle chart is considered 2D).


> So check your code to see if you are in fact setting SeparateSlice


> and get rid of it.


> If you can't find this, please export the chart to a binary file using the

> Export method and attach it, I should be able to tell if the SeparateSlice

> is actually set an through which property.


> Try calling ClearData (CD_ALL) prior to initializing your char to get rid


> any previous settings.


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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