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Problem to capture clicked Series/Point in MouseUp event with in Zoom mode.

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I am using the MouseDown/MouseUp event to capture the selected data point in

chart. If the MouseUp point location different to the point location of

MouseDown event then all the data point inside the rectangle will be

selected. If the point MouseUp point location and MouseDown point location

are the same then I use the Series and Point event data of MouseUp event to

be the selected data point. This mechanism is work well in normal case but

fail when I use the zoom function to zoom in chart data to do accurate


I can get correct Series and Point value in MouseDown event within zoom in

mode but failed in MouseUp event. The Series and Point value of MouseUp

event was became to -1 in zoom in mode. Is this a bug of ChartFX .Net? Or

any solution I can use to get correct clicked series/point in MouseUp event

within zoom in mode.



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You can only check the values of Series and Point if the HitType value is

HitType.Between or HitType.Point, otherwise you MUST NOT use the values of

Series and Point.

For the functionality you are describing, I think you may want to use the

PixelToValue method in the Axis object instead this way you don't have to

actually "hit" a point in order to select it but you can just select all the

points within a logical rectangle.



Software FX, Inc.

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