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Everything posted by Warren

  1. I have a legend for a chart that has a couple of legend entries of over 36 characters, but it seems the legend max character length is 34... I suspect it is not an actual limit but perhaps constrained by the width of some part of the actual chart or such... Just not sure what needs to change to allow larger legend text.. Any ideas or suggestions?? HTML Markup <ChartFX:Chart ID="Chart1" SkinID="horzbarchart" runat="server" LegendBox-Visible="True"> </ChartFX:Chart> C# MarkUp Chart1.DataSourceSettings.DataSource = reverseSort; Chart1.AllSeries.Stacked = Stacked.Normal; Chart1.DataBind(); I put a xxxxyyyy string below each label that represents the max length. The ones that are to long please shorten NEW LABEL (Shorter) = OLD LABEL Passed GED Test = Passed GED Test [2] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx Failed HSE Test = Failed HSE Test [3] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx Enrolled but Not Complete = Enrolled but Not Complete [4] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx Ineligible for HSE or HSD program = Ineligible for HSE or HSD program [5] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx Eligible but Not Enrolled = Eligible but Not Enrolled [6] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx HSD or HSE Attained Elsewhere = HSD or HSE Attained Elsewhere [7] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx HSE Certificate Awarded = HSE Certificate Awarded [8] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx HSD Graduate = HSD Graduate [9] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx Enrolled in HSD-Not Complete = Enrolled in HSD program - Not Complete [10] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx Enrolled in HSE-Not Complete = Enrolled in HSE preparation program - Not Complete [11] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx Enrolled in both HSD/HSE -Not Complete = Enrolled in both HSD and HSE programs - Not Complete [12] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx HSD Program Completed-Not Graduated = HSD Program Completed - Not Graduated [13] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx No information or no status = No information or no status [14] xxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxxxxyyyyxx
  2. ChartFX 7 Language c# I have a pie chart that is bound to a datatable. Below is the data Admin. Sep. w/ Reinstatement (ASWR) 2 AWOL Separation 6802 Death Separation 15 Disciplinary Separation 11444 Fraudulent Enrollment 24 Medical Sep. w/ Reinstatement (MSWR) 2690 Medical Separation (regular) 124 MSWR Final Close (MSFC) 711 Ordinary Separation 21108 Resignation 1565 Unauthorized Absence Separation 3 Withdrawal of Parental Consent 368 In attachment 1 chartfx1 - you can see the label for Unauthorized Absence Separation does not have a label. In attachment 2 chart2 - you can see that if I mouse over you can see the tooltip shows the data is present. I need to force all series labels to be visible. Any suggestions? Here is the code for the chart: protected void LoadChart() { DataTable ldt = idt.Copy(); if (ldt.Rows.Count > 0) { ChartArea.Visible = true; norecords.Visible = false; } else { ChartArea.Visible = false; norecords.Visible = true; return; } // if table has label, value, value use this Chart1.AllSeries.PointLabels.Visible = true; Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Clear(); Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("sep_types", FieldUsage.Label)); Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(new FieldMap("total", FieldUsage.Value)); Chart1.DataSourceSettings.DataSource = ldt.DefaultView; Chart1.Width = 750; // do this to make mapping work Link chartLink = Chart1.AllSeries.Link; chartLink.Url = "region.aspx"; MemoryStream objStream = new MemoryStream(); Chart1.Export(FileFormat.Jpeg, objStream); Chart1.DataBind(); Byte[] blob = objStream.ToArray(); objStream.Close(); JagSession.eis_chart = blob; }
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