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Everything posted by AKhristenko

  1. The problem is solved using DataContext spy approach as described at http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/27432/Artificial-Inheritance-Contexts-in-WPF
  2. That's briefly how we are doing it. In your view: <ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:your-viewmodel-project-here"> <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:ChartWidgetViewModel}"> <ContentControl Name="ChartWidgetViewModelContent" Template="{DynamicResource ViewModelLoadingTemplate}" /> </DataTemplate> <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type ContentControl}" x:Key="ChartWidgetViewContentTemplate"> <Grid> <cfx:Chart> </cfx:Chart> </Grid> Then you can declare your VM class: public class ChartWidgetViewModel
  3. Sorry, formatting got screwed up. Here it is again Dear Forum, I am trying to solve a task of showing negative values in red only when the chart is of type Bar or Gantt. There is no code-behind and same View and View model are used for all charts. Currently I am trying to make use of conditional attribute and its property Active to switch the colouring on/off when needed. I have a property in my view model like this: public bool ShowNegativesInRed { get { return (this.ChartConfig.WidgetType == ChartWidgetTypes.Gantt); } } Then in the View I am doing the following: <cfx:Chart Gallery="{Binding Path=WidgetType, Mode=OneWay}" ...> <cfx:Chart.ConditionalAttributes> <cfx:ConditionalAttributes Fill="Red" Stroke="Red"> <cfx:ConditionalAttributes.Condition> <cfx:RangeCondition To="0" Active="{Binding Path=ShowNegativesInRed}" /> </cfx:ConditionalAttributes.Condition> </cfx:ConditionalAttributes> </cfx:Chart.ConditionalAttributes> ... </cfx:Chart> When I start the app and try to display the chart, "Active" is always resolved to true and I get a binding error:System.Windows.Data Error: 2 : Cannot find governing FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement for target element. BindingExpression:Path=ShowNegativesInRed; DataItem=null; target element is 'RangeCondition' (HashCode=20263529); target property is 'Active' (type 'Boolean')Googling for this error I found someone advising to declare that thing causing the error in a local resource and use it from there, however I cannot think of how to move my cfx:RangeCondition to a local resource. If anyone has an idea how to do that or maybe an alternative solution for my initial task that would be highly appreciated.
  4. Dear Forum, I am trying to solve a task of showing negative values in red only when the chart is of type Bar or Gantt. There is no code-behind and same View and View model are used for all charts. Currently I am trying to make use of conditional attribute and its property Active to switch the colouring on/off when needed. I have a property in my view model like this: public bool ShowNegativesInRed { get { return (this.ChartConfig.WidgetType == ChartWidgetTypes.Gantt); } } Then in the View I am doing the following: ... When I start the app and try to display the chart, "Active" is always resolved to true and I get a binding error: System.Windows.Data Error: 2 : Cannot find governing FrameworkElement or FrameworkContentElement for target element. BindingExpression:Path=ShowNegativesInRed; DataItem=null; target element is 'RangeCondition' (HashCode=20263529); target property is 'Active' (type 'Boolean') Googling for this error I found someone advising to declare that thing causing the error in a local resource and use it from there, however I cannot think of how to move my cfx:RangeCondition to a local resource. If anyone has an idea how to do that or maybe an alternative solution for my initial task that would be highly appreciated.
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