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marco huang

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  1. Chart FX installed, please refered to the installation description, there was a url link that informed you to get the install production Chart FX key by using your authorization code. I hope that it is helpful.
  2. Chart FX installed, please refered to the installation description, there was a url link that informed you to get the install production Chart FX key by using your authorization code. I hope that it is helpful.
  3. Hi, Till now, I have used Trial version (Chart FX 7) for my development. Chart's are working fine in Trial version. But when I try to uninstall(Trial version) and install (licensed version) the Chart FX 7 for Web forms(ChartFX7WebForms.exe),I get an error like follows Exception Details: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero.Parameter name: length Source Error: Line 51: <chartfx7:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="327px">Line 52: <Series>Line 53: <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes /> ps: I can't find a license.lic file in my web application When I complie my website. Appreciate any one help in this regard. Thanks in Advance,
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