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Everything posted by gdeutsch

  1. Chart image http://paradisetown.5u.com/cgi-bin/i/Chart1.jpg
  2. data: Conteo Fecha 346 24/09/2008 09:03:25 a.m. 291 25/09/2008 12:00:04 a.m. 275 26/09/2008 12:00:34 a.m. 270 27/09/2008 12:00:13 a.m. 268 28/09/2008 06:28:31 p.m. 269 29/09/2008 12:00:24 a.m. From a database query to a dataset: strsql="Query to obtain data" TrysqlCmd = New SqlCommand(strSql, sqlConn) sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text sqlda = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd) dsGeneral = New DataSetsqlda.Fill(dsGeneral, "Porcentaje")Catch Ex As SqlException Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default DisplaySQLErrors(Ex, strSql) Exit Sub End TrysqlCmd = Nothingsqlda = NothingChart1.Data.Clear() Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Clear() If dsGeneral.Tables("Porcentaje").Rows.Count <> 0 Then Chart1.LegendBox.Titles.Clear() Chart1.LegendBox.Titles.Add(New TitleDockable("Asistencia")) Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add( New FieldMap("Fecha", FieldUsage.XValue))Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Conteo", FieldUsage.Value)) Chart1.DataSource = dsGeneral.Tables("Porcentaje") End If
  3. The xValue labels does not match the data. The chart is a barchart The xvlaue is a datetime The first bar label has the second bar label value , and so on. The chart appears with the last bar without label
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