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  1. How do I set the motif in C# code behind? Thanks!
  2. Carlos, Thanks a bunch for the example, it helped a lot. I am trying to get the date out of the Axis Scroll Event, I have attached a sample application. Also, can I use ZoomStyle.Scroll and disable the Y-Axis scrolling so we only scroll X-Axis (but get the condensed scroll viewer (instead of the Map or Zoom areas)) myChart.AxisX.Labels.Format = AxisFormat.Date; void AxisX_ScrollViewChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { double min = 0;double max = 0; myChart.AxisX.GetScrollView( out min, out max);label1.Content = "Axis X min: " + min + ", max: " + max; try{ label2.Content = "Axis X min: " + DateTime.FromOADate(min) + ", max: " + DateTime.FromOADate(max); } catch (Exception ex) { label2.Content = ex.Message; } }
  3. Where do I get this build? 8.0.3581.26941 is available in the WPF trial download page, updated 2/22/2010.
  4. Not the best response time for such an expensive product
  5. How do I capture the Zoom and Scroll events? I need to update other charts and grids based on the area zoomed into. I tried ScrollViewChanged, but this did not seem to catch anything but the initial zoom in. I need to know when the zoom or scroll changes and more specifically what the new date range selected is. Thanks.
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