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Everything posted by prcunningham

  1. Can you put one series on multiple panes on one chart?
  2. That was it. Thank you very much. For future reference where would I have found that information?
  3. It only does it with the default data if it is set to gallery type X vs Y
  4. This my code. How do I attach a image? I tried dragging on the default data thats loaded when the chart first comes up and it did the same thing. dt = New DataTable("Test") Dim cols() As String = {"Total Time", "Time", "Bot Temp", "Pressure", "Top Temp", "MFC4", "Argon", "ArN2", "Vent"}For Each col As String In cols dt.Columns.Add(col, Type.GetType( "System.Single")) Next cfx.Series.Clear() cfx.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Total Time", FieldUsage.XValue)) For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.ColumnsIf Not dc.ColumnName.Equals("Total Time") Then cfx.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap(dc.ColumnName, FieldUsage.Value)) Nextcfx.DataSourceSettings.DataSource = New DataTableProvider(dt)
  5. that works but there is still a problem. I have multiple series and I am using allowdrag. when i do it your way if I drag values from any series other that the first series everything disappears except the point that I dragged.
  6. If I am using a datatable as my source, how do I identify the x axis.
  7. This what I have (without the *) and still nothing happens. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> test() {alert("test"); } </script> cfx.AllSeries.Link.OnClick = "java*script:test()"
  8. Why doesn't this work? cfx.AllSeries.Link.OnMouseOut = "test" function test() { alert("test"); }
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