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  1. Hi All, As I am working on the desktop application.while copying one dll into another folder i am getting the exception like : "Could not find a part of the path :"\\windows\mscce35.dll" " My code follows as: string sFile = "CEPLAN.CPN"; string sSourcePath = getAppPath() + @"ToCopy\DeviceRoot\" + sFile; string sTargetPath = @"\" + sFile; if (!File.Exists(sTargetPath)) // Check remote file does not exist { if (File.Exists(sSourcePath)) // Check local file exists before copy { File.Copy(sSourcePath, sTargetPath); } } // Copy to windows folder sSourcePath = getAppPath() + @"ToCopy\Windows"; sTargetPath = @"\Windows"; foreach (string sSourceFilePath in Directory.GetFiles(sSourcePath)) { string sTargetFilePath = sTargetPath + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(sSourceFilePath); if (!File.Exists(sTargetFilePath)) // Check remote file does not exist { if (File.Exists(sSourceFilePath)) // Check local file exists before copy { File.Copy(sSourceFilePath, sTargetFilePath); //after coming to here i am getting the given exception } } } Can any one help me,what i am missing or did any mistake ? Reply me ASAP,if possible. Thanks in Advance.
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