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Everything posted by mcdigital

  1. Dear Frank I did not hear anything from you. Are there any flags related to that events? I know there is a flag for some events like mouse events in CFX, vould it be a similar issue?
  2. Hello I told you that I use the component from QT in a big app and sending a sample will be a bit difficult. Code in general is: //Create an annotation list measureAnnotList.CreateInstance(__uuidof(AnnotationX)); chart->AddExtension((IUnknown *) measureAnnotList); measureAnnotList->PutToolBar(FALSE); //Create a handler for the events: AnnotationsEventHandler *pAnn = new AnnotationsEventHandler((IUnknown *) annotationList); /The event handler class: AnnotationsEventHandler::AnnotationsEventHandler(IUnknown* intf, QObject* parent, const char* name) : QObject(parent, name) { pAnnotationsEventHandler = new QAxObject ((IUnknown *) intf,this); connect( pAnnotationsEventHandler, SIGNAL( signal(const QString&,int,void*) ), this, SLOT( annotationsSignalDispatch(const QString&,int,void*) ) ); } // slot void AnnotationsEventHandler::annotationsSignalDispatch ( const QString& signalName, int argc, void* argv ) { qDebug("CALLING AnnotationsEventHandler() - SIGNAL: "+signalName); } Let me clarify that connect( pAnnotationsEventHandler, SIGNAL( signal(const QString&,int,void*) ), this, SLOT( annotationsSignalDispatch(const QString&,int,void*) ) ); Catches ALL the events of an activex control so they are relayed to the method annotationsSignalDispatch(const QString&,int,void*) unfortunately the only event that is received is HRESULT SelectionChanged ( ); while the one i have in tlh are: struct __declspec(uuid("4b6f58cf-365a-11d1-8fd4-00aa00bd091c")) _AnnotEvents : IDispatch { // // Wrapper methods for error-handling // // Methods: HRESULT LButtonDblClk ( struct IAnnObject * pObj, short * nRes ); HRESULT ObjectCreated ( struct IAnnObject * pObj ); HRESULT ExecuteCommand ( short nID, short * nRes ); HRESULT SelectionChanged ( ); HRESULT StartMoving ( int Left, int Top, int right, int bottom ); HRESULT OnMoving ( ); HRESULT EndMoving ( ); HRESULT ObjectDeleted ( struct IAnnObject * pObj, short * nRes ); }; So if my code catches the selectionchange event then it is implemented properly. The question is why I do not receive the rest of the events that actually I am more interested in. Do I need to set a flag or something for the measureAnnotList ? Thank you in advance.
  3. Hello yes I guess you are right I am sorry, but I had so much problems with this component that I am getting crazy. So if you are willing to help, can you give me a solution for the issue I have posted above? Thank you in advance
  4. Dear allfirst of all I am sorry that I am forced to use your activex control. I have not seen a worst chart control in my life.I lost a huge amount of time now trying to make a Circle object really a Circle. I want to be able to add Circle objects and restrict them to be cirlces as your Circle object is actually an ellipse.Anyway...there is no flag in the object to that so I decided to change the size on the move/resize events, but that is also not possible. I use the damned component from QT and I connected to the events, but the only event that gets fired is selectionChanged()I hope it is again one of those damned flags you have that I must set somewhere in order to receive all the event (The help is awful too)Any help will be highly appreciated.I hope at least you will be quick enough in this forum.Thank you in advance And please if you delete my post again I will take the time to find all sites and articles where your component is listed and write a "Review". 10x
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