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Everything posted by Choyee

  1. I'm working on 2D spectrogram. (Imagine the ColorDialog which shows continuos changes of color) The point is I'd like to generate a chart with no space between points. A stacked bar chart of which AllSeries.Volume is 100 is all I can think of. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  2. I tried the method with two parameters as 'chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.AxisX.Sections, i].Visible = false' and it worked fine. I just don't get it. And, I'm troubling with a Pie chart, now. One Pie chart, one series, right? I'm working with 10~15 points for the chart. Normally, 3~5 items take more than 90% of the chart area and I don't want to display other items in the LegendBox. So, I tried 'KeyLabels' property as written in the API Reference because it seems to be the only possibility since there is just one series, but it didn't work and showed the same build error. Any solutions for the Pie chart? Also, is there any way to display 2 X 4 multiple panes? I could handle the vertically arranged panes but I couldn't find a clue to display them horizontally as ChartFX WPF provided. Thanks in advance.
  3. I went through the same problem recently. Try this: chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.AxisX.Sections, i].Visible = false; Try not to use ItemAttributes with one parameter. It caused a build error. Hope it helps.
  4. Hi, I'm charting with several series and a couple of AxisSections for the X axis. I don't want to display these AxisSections' information in the LegendBox, so I tried this: chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.AxisX.Sections].Visible = false; But, it didn't work. It just caused a buil error. I assume the problem is, unlike the API Reference says, this LegenItemAttributesCollection of the LegendBox requies 'ILegendBoxItemCollection' not 'ILegendItemCollection' for the collection parameter. I tried the exact same statement in a debug mode and it worked then, which makes me more confused. Am I using this wrong or is this because I'm using a wrong build version, 7.0.3754.185555? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, What should I do to display data between 0 and 1.0 with step of 0.2? This is what I did: chart1.AxisY.Min = 0; chart1.AxisY.Max = 1; chart1.AxisY.Step = new DataUnit(0.2); And Y-Axis labels show '0 0 1 1 1' for each step. Also, can I set data between 0 and 0.001 or something like that? Thanks.
  6. I've attached a chart image file. I'd like to see the other information as x-axes. As a result, I'd like to display data change patterns for each 'DataIndex' with its related information such as 'ExtractTime' and 'Place'. Thanks.
  7. I'm trying to display unsorted dataset using CrosstabTransform. From what I understand, CrosstabTransform.RowPath is used as an X-Axis and ColumnPath as Serieses for the transformed chart. For example, I use following CLR object for dataset: class MyData { public string DataIndex {get; set;} public double DataValue {get; set;} public string ConditionKey {get; set;} public DateTime ExtractTime {get; set;} public string Place {get; set;} ... } It goes like this, there are fixed 20 'DataIndex' items and each 'ConditionKey' has a set of 'DataIndex' with their 'DataValue's. So, one 'ConditionKey' item has 20 'DataVlaue's and same 'Place' and 'ExtractTime'. I'm not quite sure whether I'm drawing a right picture here. Anyway, I use 'DataIndex' for the ColumnPath, 'ConditionKey' for the RowPath and 'DataValue' for the ValuePath so that it looks like each 'DataIndex' as an individulal series. It's supposed to give how each 'DataIndex' has changed its 'DataValue' for each 'ConditionKey'. So far it worked as I expected. What I've been trying to do is to display additional information like 'Place' and 'ExtractTime' as additional x-axes. Is it possible? Or, any idea? Thanks in advance. p.s. Followings are sample dataset: CondtionKey DataIndex DataValue ExtractTime Place Origin Index1 0 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index2 0.8 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index3 0.6 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index4 10 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index5 0 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index6 500 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index7 500 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index8 500 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index9 2700 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index10 2300 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index11 60 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index12 8 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index13 29 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index14 20 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index15 8 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index16 0 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index17 34 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index18 8 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index19 35 2009-12-01 Level1 Origin Index20 35 2009-12-01 Level1 1st Index1 0 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index2 0.4 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index3 0.4 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index4 10 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index5 0 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index6 29 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index7 29 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index8 29 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index9 1800 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index10 1800 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index11 40 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index12 8 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index13 35 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index14 20 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index15 10 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index16 0 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index17 41 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index18 15 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index19 70 2009-12-07 Level3 1st Index20 70 2009-12-07 Level3
  8. It helps a lot, thanks. By the way, is there any plan for providing built-in toolbar as in ChartFX 7 in your WPF roadmap? It was a huge merit handling chart properties using the toolbar and the context menu in ChartFX 7.
  9. Hi, I've been working on implementing toolbar items for WPF charts as in ChartFX 7. I manged to export chart images as one of image file formats, but I couldn't find a way to exporting them to the clipboard. If I could find the properties related to the currently displayed chart image, I thought I might use the ApplicationCommands.Copy.Execute() method to copy to the clipboard. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  10. Hi, Apparentely, memory leaks under following circumstances. (I'm using build version .3565.) 1. When AllSeries.Marker.Visibility == Visibility.Visible, 2. When dealing with more than 50 points per series. (I tested with each 50 points for 3 series) 3. When displaying each series in a different pane. (I used 3 vertical panes) Then, change visibility of 'DataView' and 'PointLabels' couple of times it always ends up leaking memory and showing abnormal CPU usage patterns. At first, I thought I was using something wroing in my project since I made a user control that includes a chart and a toolbar similar to the one in ChartFX 7. So, I simply added the context menu to the reference project "AdditionalAxesAndPanes" with minimal changes to see how it goes. I also added 40 more data to the 2008's source. Could you check the attatched project and tell me how to avoid this problem? Thanks, Choyee.
  11. Hi, I've installed WPF version 8.0.3422 but the build version .3488 is the one I'm using becasue there was an issue about using conditional attributes in real time action. Anyway, I've completed my project and used VS Click Once method to deploy it. Build the deploy version was successful, but the problem occured when installing the deployed application. The message shows "The application requires that assemly ChartFX.WPF Version 8.0.3422.28509 be installed in the Global Assembly Cache(GAC) first." I tested to install this in my local machine that I've been using for the project, which means 3422 has been already installed. How shold I interprete this and more importantly what should I do to solve this propblem? Thanks in advance. And one mroe thing, ever since I used hotfix build version .3488, chart wizard has disappeared in a chart control. Is this normal?
  12. Hi, I've isolated this case in a separate application which is attatched. Have you tried to remove the first item in an ObservablCollection array not only adding new one? Try attatched app with and without the statement for removing the first item in the array. (The first item has to be removed to keep the size of displaying points.) I don't know why but it seems the execption is thrown when the first item is removed. Without using condiotional attributes, it really works fine. What should I do to avoid this conflict? Thank, Choyee
  13. Hi, I made a real time chart binding ItemsSource to a ObservablCollection with a limited buffer size. I used Dispatcher.Invoke method for removing and adding items to keep the buffer size. It worked fine until I added a conditional attribute to the chart. It seemed it throws this TargetInvocationException when a new data meets the condition. Am I using this wrong? int buffersize = 20; ObservableCollection <ChartData> DataSource = new ObservableCollection<ChartData>(); delegate void RemoveAtListArrayDelegate(int index); delegate void AddListArrayDelegate(ChartData cd); public void SetRunChart() { RunChart.Animation.OnDataChange = false; RunChart.ItemsSource = DataSource; SeriesAttributes sa = new SeriesAttributes("Data"); sa.Gallery = Gallery.Line; RunChart.Series.Add(sa); RunChart.AxisX.Labels.BindingPath = "XValue"; RunChart.AxisY.ForceZero = true; } public void AddData(ChartData cd) { if (DataSource.Count > buffersize) { RemoveAtListArrayDelegate removeItem = new RemoveAtListArrayDelegate(DataSource.RemoveAt); Dispatcher.Invoke(removeItem, new object[] { 0 }); } AddListArrayDelegate addItem = new AddListArrayDelegate(DataSource.Add); Dispatcher.Invoke(addItem, new object[] { cd }); } Thanks. p.s. I used Google Chrome for the last post "ZoomMode.Off, it didn't work", but apparently Chrome didn't support editing tool bar as IE does. Sorry for the messed message. It's about implementing a countinuous zooming method.
  14. Hi, I've been working on continuous zooming method as ChartFX7 toolbar's zoom menu does. I figured that if I want to zoom some specific area of the chart I have to first set "Chart.Zoom.Mode = ZoomMode.Selection" then drag the mouse where I want to be zoomed. Here's the question, what if I clear the zoom mode with "ZoomMode.Off" to zoom out before dragging the mouse when ZoomMode is stiil Selection.. It's like this. Step 1 : chart1.Zoom.Mode = ZoomMode.Selection; Step 2 : You drag the mouse on the chart. Step 3 : Use step 1 in a MouseUp event handler to keep zoom mode as Selection. private void RunChart_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (_isZoomMode) { RunChart.Zoom.Mode = ZoomMode.Selection; RunChart.Zoom.Style = ZoomStyle.Map; } } Step 4 : You clear the zoom mode using "ZoomMode.Off;" In this case, the chart keeps its zoom state as selection mode. What should I do to zoom out?
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