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David V

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Everything posted by David V

  1. I fixed it by replacing the resolver if (e.Series ==1) { if (!(e.Resolver is NullHighlightResolver)) { if (_nullHighlightResolver == null) { _nullHighlightResolver = new NullHighlightResolver(e.Resolver); } e.Resolver = _nullHighlightResolver; } } //Disable hightlight on an item public class NullHighlightResolver : IHighlightResolver { private readonly IHighlightResolver _resolver; public NullHighlightResolver(IHighlightResolver resolver_) { _resolver = resolver_; } public HighlightState GetState(HighlightType itemType, object item) { return HighlightState.Never; } public Highlightable CanHighlight(HighlightType itemType, object item) { return Highlightable.No; } public bool OnKey(bool down, KeyEventArgs args) { return _resolver.OnKey(down, args); } public HighlightingEventArgs GetHighlightingEventArgs() { return _resolver.GetHighlightingEventArgs(); } }
  2. I want to be able to unhighlight a particular series. Currentlt I am doing the following private void chart1_Highlighting(object sender, HighlightingEventArgs e) { Debug .WriteLine(string.Format("Highlighting {0}",e.Series)); if (e.Series ==1){ chart1.Highlight.ClearHighlight(sender); } } but the problem is the other series don't get highlighted again, unless I click the chart again. I can see the highlight event stop firring.
  3. I fixed the isse by casting the X value to int.
  4. When I plot the following values the last point is missing from the chart. But when I change the X values by dividing (or multiplying) by 10, the point appears. I am populating the values like this chart1.Data.X[index] = x; chart1.Data.Y[seriesIndex, index] = y;
  5. I can not get the header values in the datagrid to change from points to the values. I am populating the XValues foreach (VolData vol in data_){ chart1.Data.X[index] = vol.Expiry.ToOADate(); index++; } and have set the XValuesAsHeaders flag chart1.DataGrid.XValuesAsHeaders = true;
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