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Everything posted by jhpark0319

  1. I tested Chart FX 7 with IE8 with a problem in some page. is it infuenced by iframe ?
  2. local - Windows XP Service Pack 2, Visual Studio 2005, ASP .NET 2.0 , ChartFX 7.0 for .NET Hi! Everybody! I am french ChartFX User. ChartFX 7.0 using .NET or image as RenderingFormat is not visible when AJAX is used. I have a repeater, chart fx control inside an updatePanel. when i click a menu, Chart and Repeater work very well.( so firstly, when page was loaded, no problem ) But I click a search button, Repeater only work and Chart doesn't. Thank you for reading. Please Help me. Attach my CS file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using oasis.AppFramework.Utility; using System.Drawing.Printing; using ChartFX.WebForms; namespace oasis.Main.Presentation.report { public partial class rpt_ceo_0001 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { // ddl: DropDownlist ddlYear.DataSource = CJUtil.setDdlYear(); ddlYear.DataBind(); ddlYear.SelectedValue = CJUtil.setNowYear(); ddlMonth.DataSource = CJUtil.setDdlMonth(); ddlMonth.DataBind(); ddlMonth.SelectedValue = CJUtil.setPreMonth(); // It's My Component. oasis.Main.Components.Std_Nx oBiz = new oasis.Main.Components.Std_Nx(); // To get Dept names. DataSet dsResult = oBiz.GetOrgSMfull(); ddlOrg.DataSource = dsResult; ddlOrg.DataValueField = dsResult.Tables[0].Columns[0].ColumnName; ddlOrg.DataTextField = dsResult.Tables[0].Columns[1].ColumnName; ddlOrg.DataBind(); ddlOrg.SelectedValue = "%"; ibtnSearch_Click(ibtnSearch, null); } } protected void ibtnSearch_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string strYear = ddlYear.SelectedItem.Value; string strMonth = ddlMonth.SelectedItem.Value; string strYM = strYear + "-" + strMonth; string strOrg = ddlOrg.SelectedItem.Text; Select_Data(strYM, strOrg); } protected void Select_Data(string strYM, string strOrg) { Chart_rpt_ceo_0001_02.AxisY.LabelsFormat.CustomFormat = "##0.0"; oasis.Report.Components.Report_Nx oBiz = new oasis.Report.Components.Report_Nx(); // get datas and then save it in the DataSet DataSet dsResult = oBiz.Get_rpt_ceo_0001_01(strYM, strOrg); Chart_rpt_ceo_0001_01.DataSource = dsResult; Chart_rpt_ceo_0001_01.DataBind(); dsResult = oBiz.Get_rpt_ceo_0001_02(strYM, strOrg); Chart_rpt_ceo_0001_02.DataSource = dsResult; Chart_rpt_ceo_0001_02.DataBind(); //***** Table ***** dsResult = oBiz.Get_rpt_ceo_0001_03(strYM, strOrg); rptFieldStatus.DataSource = dsResult; rptFieldStatus.DataBind(); } } }
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