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Everything posted by pixel3cs

  1. I am using the 0.8.2957.30556 version. For me works great but i have found other bugs in ChartFX and now i am looking to move on Manco.
  2. Thanks a lot. This hack its working. Still have problems, it appears that lines are drawn from columns values and not from rows. I can't figure ut how to do it. Thanks for your help.
  3. I have tried all of this but the problem still exists. Look what i am trying to do. public partial class LineChartControl : UserControl { public LineChartControl(DataTable dataTable) { InitializeComponent(); for (int r = 0; r < dataTable.Rows.Count; r++) { ChartFX.WPF.SeriesAttributes series = new ChartFX.WPF.SeriesAttributes(); series.BindingPath = "NumericData"; series.AxisX = new ChartFX.WPF.Axis(); series.AxisY = new ChartFX.WPF.Axis(); chart.Series.Add(series); } chart.ItemsSource = dataTable.Rows; // dataTable.Rows[0].NumericData is an array of Double elements } } So one line for each row and not for a column. The DataTable is not the one from System.Data, is own defined, but implements the IEnumerable interface. Is there another way to program the graph to draw each row as a line and not use SeriesAttributes?
  4. ChartFX.WPF.Chart chart = new ChartFX.WPF.Chart(); chart.Gallery = ChartFX.WPF.Gallery.Line; chart.PointCount = dataTable.NumericDataLength; ChartFX.WPF.SeriesAttributes series = new ChartFX.WPF.SeriesAttributes(); series.BindingPath = "NumericData"; series.Marker.Size = dataTable.NumericDataLength; chart.Series.Add(series);// error, object not set to an instance of an object, why? chart.ItemsSource = dataTable; grid.Children.Add(chart); I am using this in XBAP but should be no problem. Please help.
  5. I use this code to initialize a Chart. If i don't add the chart as a control will compile and run ok, but if i try to put the chart as a control in my app this code will thrown an exception saying "Object not set to an instance of an object". What i am doing wrong? This is because my chart control is not initialized correct. Please help. if (clvi.LabelContent == "Histogram" && tablesListBox.SelectedIndex >= 0) { // get the selected table DataTable selectedDataTable = tablesListBox.Items[tablesListBox.SelectedIndex] as DataTable; // create the chart control ChartFX.WPF.Chart chart = new ChartFX.WPF.Chart(); chart.ItemsSource = null; chart.Series.Clear(); chart.AxesY.Clear(); chart.MultiPanes = true; // calculate the histogram data Histogram histogram = new Histogram(selectedDataTable, Properties.Settings.Default.HistogramBars); // add the histogram data to the chart //DataTemplate seriesTemplate = (DataTemplate)FindResource("NewBar2"); for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < histogram.Charts.Length; seriesIndex++) { ChartFX.WPF.Axis axisY = new ChartFX.WPF.Axis(); chart.AxesY.Add(axisY); axisY.LabelFormat.Decimals = 2; ChartFX.WPF.SeriesAttributes series = new ChartFX.WPF.SeriesAttributes(); series.Template = new DataTemplate(); series.BindingPath = "Charts"; series.AxisY = axisY; chart.Series.Add(series); } chart.ItemsSource = histogram.Charts; // add the chart to the tab control ti.Content = chart;//if i comment this line the error will not be thrown }
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