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Everything posted by vasanthsr

  1. Hi, I would like to show tooltip for the point in the chart, but hide it on the line. I request you to help me please. Thanks Vasanth
  2. Hi, I create a tooltip using the following code that works perfect with RenderFormat =".NET". string maskString = "%s\nTEMP = %v" + cDeg.ToString() + _businessGraphObject.TemperatureScale + "\nDATE = %l\n%L"; chart.ToolTipFormat = maskString; which would result like Fridge TEMP = 20.0 C DATE = 01-Apr-2007 11:00:22 LOCATION = AUSTRALIA But when i use RenderFormat="Image", I get the tooltip as Fridge TEMP = C DATE = 01-Apr-2007 11:00:22 So When i use RenderFormat = "Image", Temperature value (%v) is empty and LOCATION field becomes empty. Could i request someone to help please. Thanks in advance. Vas
  3. Hi Frank, When using .NET as RenderingFormat, we have more nice options in 3D, Zoom etc.. than using it as Image format. As .NET format doesnt work with UpdatePanel, we had to use Image format to make UpdatePanel work. But is there any other way to make the options (3D, Zoom) to work with Image format just like how it works in .NET format. I request you to help me on this. Thanks Vasanth
  4. Hi Frank, Thank you so much. Yeah setting RenderFormat="Image" did work. Would i be able to know if there is any impact on the on setting RenderFormat="Image" instead of RenderFormat=".NET" or "Auto" Thanks for the help. Cheers Vasanth
  5. Hi, I have a checkbox, chart fx control inside an updatePanel. By clicking on the check box i should load the chartfx using the AsynchronousTrigger. But when i click the check box that is inside the updatePanel, the ChartFX becomes invisible. When i take the check box out of the updatePanel, it works fine. Please enlight me on this. Thanks in advance
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