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zac morris

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Everything posted by zac morris

  1. Tomas, The support team got me the current build very quickly. Thanks for your help with that. I notice that the current build still uses v1 Canvas-based layout. Will the Writer coming later this week use Panel-based layout or is that coming at a later date? Thanks, Zac
  2. Any word on when we might see a refresh of the Silverlight 1.1 samples (since ChartFX.Silverlight.Client.dll won't work with Silverlight 2 beta 1)? We'd love to be able to integrate ChartFX into our Silverlight projects. Thanks, Zac
  3. Hi, I see that the SeriesAttributes.Template property is not a dependency property and so is not accessible through styles. Will this be changed in a future beta or final release? Maybe I just don't have enough docs to understand the design but not being able to use styles to set data templates seems like a hole in the API. Thanks, Zac Morris
  4. Hi, I'd like to be able to write a template for a bar chart so that I can bind the width of the bar to a DateTime value when the X axis also uses DateTime values. For example: If I were to display values that represented one month's worth of data (sensor readings, financial report, etc..) I'd like the bar for each value to be one month wide relative to the X axis. This is to allow adding another, higher-resolution series of time based data as a line so that all values for a month in the line series fall within each bar. I've examined the samples that show examples of bar chart templates but am unsure of how to do this with DateTime values. Any suggestions? Thanks, Zac Morris
  5. JuanC, Thanks for the prompt and thorough reply. I will give these methods a try. Any hints on when more docs may be released?- Zac
  6. Hi, I would like to be able to customize the legend items on a multi-series line chart. By default each legend item is labeled with the value of the 'BindingPath' for the series. For example, if 4 different series are each bound to the 'myYvalue' property of items in their respective SeriesAttributes.ItemsSource collection, then the legend will display 4 items each labeled 'myYvalue'. How do I build a template for legend items so that the 'name' (as defined by me) of each series is displayed? I've tried reproducing the following code (and datatemplate) from the RichContentPage from the AppDemo sample solution but it doesn't work: chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.Series].Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; chart1.LegendBox.ItemAttributes[chart1.AxisX].Template = (DataTemplate) FindResource("RichContentLegend"); Thanks, Zac Morris
  7. The sample project currently included with the beta doesn't build. in BarPage.xaml.cs the property chart1.AxesStyle no longer exists and needs to be changed to 'chart1.PlotArea.AxesStyle'. Doesn't anybody check the package before it gets posted? For shame. Otherwise, the component looks promising. So far its looking better than Infragistics' WPF chart, with which I've spent a significant amount of time. Any info on a timeline for future releases? Thanks, Zac Morris
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