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Everything posted by BMWSauberF1

  1. This code allows you to place the legend inside the plot area. <cfx:Chart Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.RowSpan="2" Name="ctlChart1"> <cfx:Chart.PlotArea> <cfx:PlotAreaAttributes ClipToBounds="false"/> </cfx:Chart.PlotArea> <cfx:Chart.LegendBox> <cfx:LegendBox Visibility="Visible" cfx:Chart.TargetPanel="Inside" DockPanel.Dock="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="4" Background="Yellow"> </cfx:LegendBox> </cfx:Chart.LegendBox> </cfx:Chart>
  2. I have taken your code and data and created a simple table in a DB where the fields are Date, Series1, Series2 etc. Date is the date/Time info, Series1 is the first double list etc. Using my previous xaml, I have used this code behind and it still works. Can you confirm that you are using the latest beta (v0.8.2957.30556 - dated 12th Feb) as that might be the only difference. string ConnectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source={0}", @"c:\Db1.mdb"); OleDbConnection Connection = new OleDbConnection(ConnectionString); OleDbCommand Command = new OleDbCommand("Select * from [ForumTable1]", Connection); OleDbDataAdapter DataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(Command); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); DataAdapter.Fill(dataset, "ForumTable1"); SeriesAttributes dataSeries0 = new SeriesAttributes(); dataSeries0.ItemsSource = dataset.Tables["ForumTable1"].Rows; dataSeries0.BindingPath = "Series1"; dataSeries0.Gallery = Gallery.Bar; ctlChart1.Series.Clear(); ctlChart1.Series.Add(dataSeries0);
  3. Hi, I have just tried to reproduce your issue in my test app and failed. Whatever I try the columns behave as you wanted (ie start at 0 and go +ve or -ve). Code used was: <cfx:Chart> <cfx:Chart.PlotArea> <cfx:PlotAreaAttributes ClipToBounds="true"/> </cfx:Chart.PlotArea> </cfx:Chart> and code behind was ctlChart1.Gallery = Gallery.Bar; ctlChart1.Series.Clear(); SeriesAttributes dataSeries0 = CreateNewDataSeries(false, 10, 7.5, 30.0, -5.0, 0); ctlChart1.Series.Add(dataSeries0); ctlChart1.AxisY.AutoScale = true; ctlChart1.AxisX.AutoScale = true; My DataSeries just exposes an X and Y property for each point. If you can post your sample code it might be easier to trace the issue.
  4. Hi, I have just had a look at this (since I am evaluating the beta also). If you change the XAML attribute BindingFromPath="UnitPrice" to BindingPath="UnitPrice" I found that it works OK. Not sure from my knowledge what the actual meanings are so only a little help for you.
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