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  1. Sean

    Special Objects

    Frank, I added the references again and add the charts again and it works. I have attached the code just so you can have a look. We are using VS2005 by the way. Thanks.
  2. Sean

    Special Objects

    When l add specialobjects the chart is returns a error in the desginer "SpecialObjects could not be initialized. Details: Entry point was not found." I have re-installed the chatfx and the latest SP <chartfx7:Chart ID="chart" runat="server" Height="380px" RenderFormat="Auto" BackColor="#FFFFFF" PlotAreaColor="Transparent" Width="375px"> <LegendBox Visible="False"> </LegendBox> <SpecialObjects> <chartfxadornments:ImageBorder AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" Color="109, 125, 138"> </chartfxadornments:ImageBorder> <chartfxadornments:SolidBackground AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments"> </chartfxadornments:SolidBackground> </SpecialObjects> <Series> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes /> </Series> </chartfx7:Chart>
  3. They match. Attached are the BIN from Chartfx and the BIN from the web application in question
  4. What does this mean and how can l fix it? Unable to resolve type 'ChartFX.WebForms.Chart, ChartFX.WebForms, Version=7.0.2893.24916, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce' C:\Source Code\Web Apps\Consignment Simulator\Consignment Simulator\Properties\licenses.licx I have the latest version, l have removed and then added all charts again, l have created another sample project and the licenses.licx are the same. What am l missing?
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