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  1. I can underline a Chart Title in design mode, but I am unable to do this in code.(Font.Underline is a read only property!) Chartx.Titles[0].Font.Underline = FontStyle.Underline; // This fails to compile
  2. This is the Chart. < chartfx7:Chart id="ChartDeliveriesTargets" runat="server" Height="325px" Width="430px" ChartFont="Verdana, 6pt" ImageSettings-Interactive="False" RandomData-Points="7"><axisy title-text=""> < LabelsFormat Format="Currency"></LabelsFormat></ axisy><axisx font="Verdana, 6pt, style=Bold" textcolor="Black" title-text=""> < Grids Major-Visible="False"></Grids></ axisx> <series> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes BarShape="Rectangle" Color="LightSteelBlue" FillMode="Solid" PointLabels-Alignment="Center" PointLabels-Angle="90" PointLabels-BackColor="Transparent" PointLabels-BorderWidth="1" PointLabels-Font="Arial, 8.25pt" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Color="SkyBlue" PointLabels-Angle="90" PointLabels-Font="Arial, 8.25pt" Text="" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Color="255, 192, 128" Line-Style="Solid" Pattern="ForwardDiagonal"PointLabels-Angle="90" PointLabels-Font="Arial, 8.25pt" Volume="80" AxisY="Secondary Y Axis" /> </ series> <allseries gallery="Bar" pointlabels-backcolor="Transparent" pointlabels-font="Arial, 8pt, style=Bold" PointLabels-BorderColor="Transparent"></allseries> <LegendBox Border="None" ContentLayout="Spread" Dock="Bottom" Visible="False"></LegendBox> <specialobjects> <chartfx.webforms.adornments.imageborder assemblyname="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" color="109, 125, 138" type="Rounded"></chartfx.webforms.adornments.imageborder><chartfx.webforms.galleries.bar></chartfx.webforms.galleries.bar> </ specialobjects> <View3D Enabled="True" /> <mainpane axisy-title-text=""></mainpane> <titles> <chartfx7:TitleDockable Font="Verdana, 11.25pt, style=Bold" Text="Deliveries / Targets" TextColor="34, 137, 153" /><chartfx7:TitleDockable Text="" Font="Verdana, 6pt, style=Underline" /> </ titles> <DataGrid Visible="True" ShowMarkers="False" /> <AxisY2 Visible="False" Font="Verdana, 6pt" ForceZero="False"> <LabelsFormat Format="Currency" /> <Grids Major-Visible="False" /></AxisY2> </ chartfx7:Chart><br />
  3. vincenzo

    Hide Series

    I have 3 series in my chart (Actual, Target and Delta) I also display a Grid in the chart. I want to hide the "Delta" series in the chart but not in the grid. The only way I figured out how to do this was to set the "Delta" series to a the Y2 axis and set the Y2 axis visible property to false. This works but with one small caveat. There is another grey X axis that appears in the chart. How do I render this additional X axis invisible?
  4. vincenzo


    I can create a link for the X Axis in a chart by the following code Chart1.Series[1].AxisX.Link.Url = "Mylink.aspx"; How do I create a link for each point in the X axis. My axis is by day Mon,Tue, Wed, etc
  5. Thanks..That worked great. Now I will have a happy boss!
  6. If I have 6 series in a bar chart( 6 separate bars) , how would go about stacking it into 2 bars with 3 in each bar?
  7. After calling this method once and then commenting it out, all subsequent runs of the program displays "No Data Available" in the Chart. Is there some cache that needs to be cleared?
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