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Providing Custom Scrollbar


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I am using ChartFX 6.2 for .Net.

I have to .Net horizontal scrollbar to scroll through the X-Axis instead of in-built chartFX scrollbar. I would like to know how to get the scroll size of the chart, to set the max size of my custom scrollbar. ScrollSize property of X-Axis always returns zero.

I tried using SetScrollView(20,40) when loading the graph after all the data is assigned and X-Axis is scalled. It has not changed the Scrollsize properties value. But when Place a button on the graph and invoke the SetScrollView(20,40) method in the buttons click event (i.e., after the form is loaded) it changes the value of AxisX.ScrollSize property.

Finally my question here is How to control the chart scroll using external scrollbar? how to get the scrollsize in normal case and also after each zoom(if user zoom's!!). Please help on this ASAP. I tried all I could for a day, but could not find a solution!!.

I also have one more question:- Is there a way to set the colour of a point line based on some expression result?

Please help ASAP.




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