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localization in VB

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i'm using VB6 with ChartFX vcersion  in design view i can see

titles in Japanese just fine. however, when i launch the application, the

same titles appear to be garbage. i've tried setting the character set and

font at run-time, but have not been successful in setting the font. at

design time i'm using a MS far eastern font, but at run-time it defaults to

Lucinda Sans Unicode and i can't find a way to change that.

what do i need to do? why can i set the CharSet property of a font but not

the font name at runtime.

thank you


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You can set the font name and all other font properties at run-time. I don't

understand exactly what's happening here but try this:

After the program is running, right-click on the title and select "Font...",

select the appropriate font and character set.

Do you get the right output ? if not, please save the chart into a CHD file

(using the toolbar) and attach it so that we can reproduce this situation




Software FX, Inc.

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