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Unlimited real-time chart doesn't work.

User (Legacy)

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I want to get unlimited real-time char. But I can't add points to series 

without MaxValues specifying (PutValueEx returns E_FAIL). I use MSVC++,

cfx4032.dll version is, SfxBar.dll version is

Here is code I try to use :


m_pChartFX->CreateWnd(long(hWnd), IDC_CHARTFX, 0, 0, 500, 500, WS_CHILD |


m_hwndChartFX = HWND(m_pChartFX->hWnd);

//m_pChartFX->MaxValues = 20; //if this line is uncommented the code

works fine

m_pChartFX->OpenDataEx(CfxCod(COD_VALUES | COD_ADDPOINTS), 1, 1);

m_pChartFX->ValueEx[0][0] = 1; //PutValueEx returns E_FAIL

m_pChartFX->CloseData(CfxCod(COD_VALUES | COD_REALTIME));


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