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reload data without reload page

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Yes, this text file is on the same server where is chartFX.

Now I'm reloading the whole page (with the javascript refresh keyword),

the data update correctly, but I lose the chart customization.

For example, if I change the background-color, when page reload

the background come back withe...

Thank you,

Paolo Capitani

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> This text file is located on the server ? Right now you are loading the

> whole page ?


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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You can use the DataPath property in a Client-Side Script to download a Text

File (data only) as follows:

Chart1.DataPath = "http://localhost/data.txt"

The text file needs to start with [ChartFXtxt] as the first line.

For example:


Sales Projected

Jan 10 20

Feb 15 80

March 2 20

Apr 4 100

May 7 35



Software FX, Inc.

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Doesn't works:


dim chart

'Create the ChartFX Object

Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

chart.datapath = ""


Error message:

"Property o method not supported from the object..."

What's wrong?

Thank you,

Paolo Capitani

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> You can use the DataPath property in a Client-Side Script to download a


> File (data only) as follows:


> Chart1.DataPath = "http://localhost/data.txt"


> The text file needs to start with [ChartFXtxt] as the first line.


> For example:


> [ChartFXtxt]

> Sales Projected

> Jan 10 20

> Feb 15 80

> March 2 20

> Apr 4 100

> May 7 35


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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You said you wanted to do this in the client, the code you have here is

running on the server:

Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

chart.datapath = ""

You need to assign the DataPath property using Java Script in the CLIENT,

instead of the Refresh you now have.



Software FX, Inc.

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I need to show to my client a chart that load data that are on

the server. I tought that the way was to build an ASP page,

but there was the problem to reload the data without reloading page.

It's a wrong way?

How can I do that? Have you some example?

Thank a lot,

Paolo Capitani

"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> You said you wanted to do this in the client, the code you have here is

> running on the server:


> Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")

> chart.datapath = ""


> You need to assign the DataPath property using Java Script in the CLIENT,

> instead of the Refresh you now have.

> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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Here is an example:





<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIE.inc" -->

<!-- #include virtual="/Include/CfxIECmds.inc" -->


Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer")




<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" FOR="Chart1" EVENT="LButtonDblClk(x, y,

nSerie, nPoint, nRes)">


Chart1.DataPath = "http://frankp/data.txt"

Chart1.ReturnValue = 1





The new data is loaded upon Double-Click, this can be done from another

button, etc. The important thing is that it is dne in the CLIENT.



Software FX, Inc.

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I have used your file example.. :-)

With this file:


Month Sales Projected

Jan 10 20

Feb 15 80

March 2 20

Apr 4 100

May 7 35

the same error...

maybe I must use the TAB instead of the SPACE for separator?

Thank you,


"SoftwareFX Support" <support@softwarefx.com> wrote in message


> This file is incorrect, is missing a header column (month).


> --

> FP

> Software FX, Inc.



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