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chartfx5.0 - Keyleg

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I have some sode to diplay a Bar chart.

' Code to set the Legend

For I = 0 To mintMaxVal

ChartFX1.KeyLeg(I) = I + 1

ChartFX1.Legend(I) = mstrFacLgnd(I)


this was working fine in ver3.5. But when i upgrated to 5.0, this is not


ChartFX1.KeyLeg(I) is erroring.If i comment out this line, it is pring just


instead of the text?Can you please tell me how can i correct this?

Another offeding line is ChartFX1.RgbBarHorz = (RGB(255,255,185))



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What do you mean by "erroring" ? The KeyLeg property works perfectly in all

my test with Chart FX 5

You are assigning "1","2","3",... to your key legends that's why "1","2","3"

is displayed.

Can you please clarify a little bit what the problems seems to be ?

RgbBarHorz is obsolete, the way Horizontal bar charts are drawn change

dramatically from 3.x to 5.x making this property obsolete.



Software FX, Inc.

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