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SerKey and RightGap question

User (Legacy)

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Is there a way that I can ask ChartFX how much room the longest SerKey Item

would take up so I can adjust the Right gap accordingly since ChartFX itself

does not seem to want to handle this aspect on its own? I am trying to use

SerKey for a particular type of graph and the names will be different from

the series names, but they keep getting cut off and I am unsure how to fix

this programmatically. Thank you for your time.


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Is there a way that I can ask ChartFX how much room the longest SerKey Item

would take up so I can adjust the Right gap accordingly since ChartFX itself

does not seem to want to handle this aspect on its own? I am trying to use

SerKey for a particular type of graph and the names will be different from

the series names, but they keep getting cut off and I am unsure how to fix

this programmatically. Thank you for your time.


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