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Sample or Usage with Visual C++ 6.0 with MFC

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I am looking for a sample for using ChartFX 6.2 with Visual Studio C++ 6.0 

with MFC. The last major version contained examples even though the help

file did not have samples with C++.

The ideal would be step-by-step migration instructions from version 5.x to

version 6.2. If that is not possible then a small reference application

would be sufficient.



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I am looking for a sample for using ChartFX 6.2 with Visual Studio C++ 6.0 

with MFC. The last major version contained examples even though the help

file did not have samples with C++.

The ideal would be step-by-step migration instructions from version 5.x to

version 6.2. If that is not possible then a small reference application

would be sufficient.



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