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New Pipe and Cylinder Gallery?

User (Legacy)

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Cylinder and cones are supported in the current version.

You need to create a bar chart and do:

chart1.CylSides = 32;

You can also do this from the Wizard and from the Properties dialog.


Francisco Padron


"Raymond Dazo" <raymond.d@interprisesolutions.com> wrote in message


> Hi,


> Do you have plans of adding new pipe and/or cylinder galleries on your

> next version?


> Thanks,

> Raymond


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What's the difference ? What can you do with this being a separate gallery 

that you can't the way it is now ?

The nice thing about having is a separate property is that you can apply it

to different gallery types such as Bar, Column, Cube, Hi-Low-Close,

Candlestick, if we make it a separate gallery we would have to add all these

as galleries + the same goes for cone and pyramid, so I think our current

approach is better as it makes the API more clean.


Francisco Padron


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I agree with FP.

From an API point of view it will just be a fake gallery that is a pass

through for other properties.

What, we would remove the cylinder property?

How would you set a HighLowClose with cylinders?

If you can suggest several properties that the Cylinder gallery object will

have, like the Pie Gallery Object, then it would be a better design, but I

am afraid that until now we just haven't seen the benefit.

There is one benefit to your approach. Setting the cylinder property when

the gallery is Pie , Surface,.. does nothing which could be confusing,

although it is not the ONLY property that is not used ALL the time.

We have tried very hard to make the API model make the most logical sense

and we are ever improving there.(***stay tuned***)

Your comments are very much appreciated.


"Raymond Dazo" <raymond.d@interprisesolutions.com> wrote in message


> Hi,


> Yes we can make a bar into cylinder, however what I meant is a seperate

> gallery of Pipe and Cylinder... It would be great if you'll have them on

> your next version.


> Thanks,

> Raymond



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Yes the CylSides is great with those "galleries" as they will appear

different. However these galleries (bar, column, etc.) still behave as what

they are. Say if you change a bar into a cylinder or cone, it still behave

as a bar chart and not as a cylinder chart. Very good example is when you

change a bar to a pyramid. it looks like you have a several pyramid chart

but still behave as a bar chart. Unlike the seperate pyramid gallery...

Talking about the "clean API"... I am not suggesting to remove CylSides

Property ("cylinder property"). Also why does the doughnut has a seperate

gallery if it's main difference from the pie gallery is a big hole at the


Cylinder will greatly fit if you have narrow long sections in our form (This

is the main reason why). This cylinder chart will behave like pie's do. They

can be sliced and/or embossed (a point of the cylinder chart appears larger

than the rest). Bar chart (turned into cylinder) is not as good if placed in

tight (narrow) sections, as well as pies. Also cylinder should expose smooth

surface, by default, just like pipes. Hope this will convince you guys.



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Dear Raymond,

We have no plans to make this a separate chart type, you can achieve this

with a regular bar chart of 1 point and several series, a bar chart supports

labels drawn inside and outside of the bars, improvements to this are being

made in new versions of Chart FX as well as improvements on the visuals of

Cylinders. I realize it is not the easiest way to achieve this chart but you

are the first person (on record) to ask for this gallery type, we have to

make our product as easy to use as possible to the majority of our users and

this sometimes means making it harder for others.

Please contact Software FX support if you have any questions about how to

achieve this particular chart, except for the table on the right (not

available for any chart type) I think everything in this chart can be

achieved with the current version of Chart FX, including the labeling and

the representation of the "selected" bar.


Francisco Padron


"Raymond Dazo" <raymond.d@interprisesolutions.com> wrote in message


> Hi,


> Legend represents each value or point.

> The large part is the currently selected part (upon user click).

> PointLabels could be drawn inside or outside the chart similar to the pie.

> Hope this'll help.


> Thanks,

> Raymond




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Well if that's the case we'll deal with that. However, I still can not

produce a similar chart with a bar having only one point and several series.

Or maybe I'm just missing something. If you could give me a sample code to

produce a chart close to the cylinder I shown to you, that would be a big

help. I appreciate everything from you and hope you reply soon.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The attached chart picture was generated with the following code:

// *** Begin Data


chart1.Value[0,0] = 13;

chart1.Value[1,0] = 47;

chart1.Value[2,0] = 37;

chart1.Value[3,0] = 25;

chart1.Value[4,0] = 39;

chart1.Value[5,0] = 21;


chart1.Series[0].Legend = "Lead (13)";

chart1.Series[1].Legend = "Qualified (47)";

chart1.Series[2].Legend = "Proposal Submitted (37)";

chart1.Series[3].Legend = "Negotiating (25)";

chart1.Series[4].Legend = "Sale Agreed (39)";

chart1.Series[5].Legend = "Deal Lost (21)";

// *** End Data

chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Gantt;

chart1.Chart3D = true;

chart1.View3D = true;

chart1.AngleX = 0;

chart1.AngleY = 30;

chart1.Stacked = Stacked.Normal;

chart1.TypeEx |= ChartTypeEx.OnlyChart; // Hide axes back box, etc.

chart1.CylSides = 32;

// Legend box

chart1.SerLegBox = true;

chart1.SerLegBoxObj.Docked = Docked.Bottom;

// Make a specific series wider. You can do this in the MouseDown event.

chart1.Series[1].Volume = 100;


Francisco Padron


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