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Gauges & Panels


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Hi, I'm brand new on Powergadgets Mobile, and I'm trying to make a business case to use this solution on my company.

I read several documents for installing and setting up the solution, but I did not find anything that could help me to set up in a PG file, how do I obtain a value from a SQL db and show it on a Gauge or a Panel.

Let's say, for example, that we have some goal to achieve at the end of the year. That would be the Max of the scale. It's fixed, so no worries on it. The same happens with "0".But the value for the current day, it's published in a SQL db and that value is the one I want to show. Where do I have to add the SQL sentence that retrieves that value? at the creator level, it looks that the gauge value is fixed and manually given when editing the PGF.

Could somebody help me on telling me how to do this?




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  • 9 months later...

I have just downloaded the update myself, but used the prior version quite a bit. Once you add the Gauge (chart, dial, etc) to the project, go to Data | Choose Data Source (or 'Connect to Data' icon on toolbar). This will open a wizard which will guide you through selecting the type of connection and the query. If you want to change the query, you cannot not use the display box labled 'SQL Statement' at the bottom. You must use the Data | Choose Data Source selection again or the 'Connect to Data' icon on the toolbar

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