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co_lcruz@axtel.com.mx's Achievements


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  1. Hi Everyone, It's posible export the data and images of GridFX to Excel? Regards,
  2. Hi, I have to add to event "DataSourceSelecting" my data source, and working,
  3. Hello Everyone, I'm get the error when try sort and change page in the gridfx, and using VB.NET framework 3.5, visual studio 2008, and master page in my project, snippet code: Dim myList = New List(Of MyCrossTabData) myList.Add(New MyCrossTabData("P1001", "01-2006", 10)) GridPorProducto.DataSource = myList There was a problem while processing your request. The specific error message was: Exception type: System.InvalidOperationExceptionMessage: ctl00$ContentPlacePricipal$GridPorProducto's DataSource was null although settings indicate it should be used. Handle Grid GridPorProducto's DataSourceSelecting event and set the e.DataSource property in the event handler.Stack Trace: at GridFX.WebForms.Grid.a(DataSourceSelectingEventArgs A_0) at GridFX.WebForms.Grid.ab() at do.f() at do.a() at do.r() at GridFX.WebForms.Grid.b9() at GridFX.WebForms.Grid.a(Object A_0, ba A_1) at GridFX.WebForms.GridSortingSettings.a(ba A_0) at GridFX.WebForms.GridSortingSettings.a(Object A_0, ba A_1) at l6.a(ba A_0) at l6.a(ListChangeEventArgs`1 A_0) at GridFX.WebForms.ObservableList`1.Add(T item) at GridFX.WebForms.FieldReferenceCollection.Add(DataField item) at GridFX.WebForms.GridCommands.a(DataFieldSortCommandArgs A_0) at GridFX.WebForms.Command`1.d(TArgs A_0) at GridFX.WebForms.Command`1.a(CommandArgs A_0) at GridFX.WebForms.Grid.a(String A_0, ki A_1) at GridFX.WebForms.Grid.f(String A_0) Regards,
  4. Hi everyone, I'm try to set color to 3 bar series , chr1.Series(0).Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 200) chr1.Series(1).Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(184, 188, 255) chr1.Series(2).Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(1, 161, 153) however, my data contains more of 3 series, when try set color to serie 4: chr1.Series(3).Color = System.Drawing.Color.Azure I got this error: {"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index"} Any advice, will be appreciated regards,
  5. Yes, each load the chart1 ("GetValuesChart1()") add one value to the x-axis label, Here my code: <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebChartFX_vb._Default" %> <%@ Register Assembly="ChartFX.WebForms" Namespace="ChartFX.WebForms" TagPrefix="chartfx7" %> <%@ Register Assembly="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" Namespace="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" TagPrefix="chartfxadornments" %> <%@ Register Assembly="ChartFX.WebForms" Namespace="ChartFX.WebForms.Galleries" TagPrefix="chartfx7galleries" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <chartfx7:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="430px" BackColor="#FFFFFF" Palette="Nature.Sky" PlotAreaColor="White" RandomData-Points="0" RandomData-Series="0"> <AxisY Title-Text="No. Title AxisY"> <Grids Major-Visible="False" /> </AxisY> <AxisX Title-Text="AxisX title" Staggered="True"> <Grids Major-Visible="False" /> </AxisX> <SpecialObjects> <chartfxadornments:ImageBorder AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" Color="White" Type="Embed" /> <chartfxadornments:SolidBackground AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" /> <chartfx7galleries:Bar /> </SpecialObjects> <AllSeries Gallery="Bar" PointLabels-BackColor="Transparent" PointLabels-BorderColor="Transparent" PointLabels-Font="Arial, 8pt" PointLabels-TextColor="Black" PointLabels-Visible="True" Stacked="Normal"> </AllSeries> <LegendBox Dock="Bottom"> </LegendBox> <View3D Enabled="True" /> <MainPane AxisY-Title-Text="No. AxisY Title" /> <Series> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Color="66, 00, 66" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Color="100, 100, 255" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Color="200, 200, 255" /> </Series> <Titles> <chartfx7:TitleDockable Font="Arial, 11pt, style=Bold" Text="Title dockable" /> <chartfx7:TitleDockable Text="" /> </Titles> </chartfx7:Chart> <br /> <asp:Button ID="btnLoadChart" runat="server" Text="LoadChart" /> </div> </form> </body> </html> Code behind: Imports ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders Imports ChartFX.WebForms Partial Public Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load End Sub Private Sub GetValuesChart1() Dim valoresGrafico As New List(Of MyCrossTabData) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1002, "01-2006", 10)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1002, "02-2006", 20)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1002, "03-2006", 70)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1002, "04-2006", 80)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1002, "05-2006", 30)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1003, "01-2006", 10)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1003, "02-2006", 20)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1003, "03-2006", 70)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1002, "04-2006", 80)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1003, "05-2006", 30)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, "01-2006", 10)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, "02-2006", 20)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, "03-2006", 70)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, "04-2006", 80)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, "05-2006", 30)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, "01-2006", 30)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, "02-2006", 60)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, "03-2006", 45)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, "04-2006", 75)) valoresGrafico.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, "05-2006", 30)) Dim crossTab As New ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders.CrosstabDataProvider(New ListProvider(valoresGrafico.ToArray)) Chart1.Data.Clear() Chart1.Gallery = Gallery.Bar Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("MySeries", FieldUsage.ColumnHeading)) Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("MyMonthYear", FieldUsage.RowHeading)) Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("MyValue", FieldUsage.Value)) Chart1.DataSource = crossTab End Sub Public Class MyCrossTabData Private m_series As String Private m_date As String Private m_value As Double Public Sub New(ByVal series As String, ByVal fecha As String, ByVal value As Double) m_series = series m_date = fecha m_value = value End Sub Property MyValue() As Double Get Return m_value End Get Set(ByVal Value As Double) m_value = Value End Set End Property Property MySeries() As String Get Return m_series End Get Set(ByVal value As String) m_series = value End Set End Property Property MyMonthYear() As String Get Return m_date End Get Set(ByVal value As String) m_date = value End Set End Property End Class Protected Sub btnLoadChart_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnLoadChart.Click Call GetValuesChart1() End Sub End Class
  6. Thank you for your response, I changed de version to Chart FX 7, however the problem still continue, Regards
  7. Hi Everyone, I am using ChartFx v2.0.50727, However my problem is the duplicate value on the x-axis such: "04-201304-201304-2013", "05-201305-2013".... and so on, when one should be: "04-2013", "05-2013", the data type of MyRowHeading is string, my values are: MySeries MyRowHeading MyValue 1 04-2013 3 1 05-2013 2 1 06-2013 6 2 03-2013 152 2 04-2013 221 2 05-2013 226 2 06-2013 203 2 07-2013 186 2 08-2013 37 3 03-2013 127 3 04-2013 109 4 03-2013 2 4 04-2013 1 4 06-2013 3 ........ and so on my code: Dim valoresGrafico As List(Of GraficasMiDax) valoresGrafico = "Getmyvalues...." Dim crossTab As New ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders.CrosstabDataProvider(valoresGrafico.ToArray) crossTab.RowHeadingSettings = RowHeadingSettings.CompressedXValues ChartTicketsSD.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("MySeries", FieldUsage.ColumnHeading)) ChartTicketsSD.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("MyRowHeading", FieldUsage.RowHeading)) ChartTicketsSD.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("MyValue", FieldUsage.Value)) ChartTicketsSD.DataSource = crossTab ChartTicketsSD.DataBind() I am check the post http://community.softwarefx.com/forums/p/12428/29315.aspx#29315 without success Any advice, will be appreciated, thank you regards,
  8. You have right , I change the property name of my class and work, thank you
  9. Hi everyone, I try to do the example "sample crosstab" without success, i get the error "FieldUsage.RowHeading is required", it's my code: code behind: Dim myArray As New ArrayList myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, New DateTime(2006, 1, 1), 10)) myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, New DateTime(2006, 1, 2), 20)) myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, New DateTime(2006, 1, 3), 70)) myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1004, New DateTime(2006, 1, 4), 80)) myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, New DateTime(2006, 1, 1), 30)) myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, New DateTime(2006, 1, 2), 60)) myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, New DateTime(2006, 1, 3), 45)) myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, New DateTime(2006, 1, 4), 75)) myArray.Add(New MyCrossTabData(1005, New DateTime(2006, 1, 5), 30)) Dim crossTab As New ChartFX.WebForms.DataProviders.CrosstabDataProvider(New ListProvider(myArray)) crossTab.RowHeadingSettings = RowHeadingSettings.CompressedXValues Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Series", FieldUsage.ColumnHeading)) Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Date", FieldUsage.RowHeading)) Chart1.DataSourceSettings.Fields.Add(New FieldMap("Value", FieldUsage.Value)) Chart1.DataSource = crossTab // this throw error: "FieldUsage.RowHeading is required" my class: Public Class MyCrossTabData Private m_series As Integer Private m_date As DateTime Private m_value As Double Public Sub New(ByVal series As Integer, ByVal fecha As DateTime, ByVal value As Double) m_series = series m_date = fecha m_value = value End Sub Property Value() As Double Get Return m_value End Get Set(ByVal Value As Double) m_value = Value End Set End Property Property Series() As Integer Get Return m_series End Get Set(ByVal value As Integer) m_series = value End Set End Property Property DateTime() As DateTime Get Return m_date End Get Set(ByVal value As DateTime) m_date = value End Set End Property End Class in the front aspx: <chartfx7:Chart ID="Chart1" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="430px" RandomData-Points="0" RandomData-Series="0" BackColor="#FFFFFF" Palette="Mesa.Mesa" PlotAreaColor="255, 255, 255" > <SpecialObjects> <chartfxadornments:ImageBorder AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" Color="255, 255, 255" Type="Embed" /> <chartfxadornments:SolidBackground AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Adornments" /> <chartfx7galleries:Bar /> <chartfx7data:CrosstabDataProvider AssemblyName="ChartFX.WebForms.Data" /> </SpecialObjects> </chartfx7:Chart> Any advice, will be appreciated, tks peace,
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