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  1. I want to hide many points of the line graph; I saved the indexes of the points to hide in a list ( 286 Points): foreach (int tempPointIndex in hiddenPoints) { mainChart.Data[seriesId, tempPointIndex] = Chart.Hidden;} The result: the line is broken at the first hidden point. how can I display a line with many hidden points (more than 280) with different indexes in the chart?
  2. 1) this is the sample tha reproduce the error as a zip file http://www.filefactory.com/file/b1c0d13/n/RealtimeChartResizing.zip 2) I have created 3 series dynamically and set the properties of each serie (text, gallery, line..) how can I reset the series/ empty the seriers or only remove points from series and add new points. I found the following response in the forum but it wasn't helpful because I need to preserve the properties of the series not only create new ones. [b]Data.Clear() resets the number of points AND series to 0. [/b] [b]You need to add the following after Data.Clear():[/b] [b]chart1.Data.Series = <number of series>;[/b] 3) I meant with Help some kind of user guide or help file for end users on the chart modification such as galleries, color, scale, etc... Does the ChartFX company have something like that ? (N.b: we have ordered ChartFX with 1 year support)
  3. 1) this is the sample tha reproduce the error as a zip file http://www.filefactory.com/file/b1c0d13/n/RealtimeChartResizing.zip 2) I have created 3 series dynamically and set the properties of each serie (text, gallery, line..) how can I reset the series/ empty the seriers or only remove points from series and add new points. I found the following response in the forum but it wasn't helpful because I need to preserve the properties of the series not only create new ones. [b]Data.Clear() resets the number of points AND series to 0. [/b] [b]You need to add the following after Data.Clear():[/b] [b]chart1.Data.Series = <number of series>;[/b] 3) I meant with Help some kind of user guide or help file for end users on the chart modification such as galleries, color, scale, etc... Does the ChartFX company have something like that ? (N.b: we have ordered ChartFX with 1 year support)
  4. 1) I have a problem with realtime-chart: I have a chart that is updated every 5 min with adding 3 points(chart with datetime axis). The problem is the exception I get when the window is resized. To solve it, I implemented the form_resize(... event handler and allocated a buffer for the realtime-mode another time, which is not the best solution because I'm getting the following chart with a black/ grey area: http://i1.fastup.de/show.asp?file=Realtime.jpg (plz copy the link in ur browser)2) how to add a page to the properties window of the toolbar-item "properties": I want to add a second page for the second Y-Axis and a page for the X-Axis 3) Is there a help information for the toobar/menubar?
  5. More Information: I want to update every 5 min 6 dataseries through adding one point to each one. I have the following questions: -how to choose the right buffer-size to have a chartview where, forexample the data of 1hour are plotted (corresponds to 60 min/5 min = 12points) - how to choose the step of 5 min? - How to display the first and last label on the X-Axis? - I want the chart to still updated while resizing the window (not Throwing an Exception) Thank you in Advance!
  6. Hello, I have created 3 Dataseries at runtime and wanted to fill the 3 series simultaneously every 3 seconds with data (Datetime, value). This is the code: //Members int pointsCount = 0; DateTime todayDate = DateTime.Now; int nTotalPoints = 30; //----Realtime settings chart1.ExtraStyle &= ~ChartStyles.CacheImage;// Removing this flag is required to support Fast Scroll chart1.Data.Points = nTotalPoints; // nTotalPoints = 30 //3 series, 10 days, 1 point added everyday chart1.RealTime.BufferSize = (int) (DateTime.Now.AddDays(10).ToOADate() - DateTime.Now.ToOADate()); chart1.RealTime.Mode = RealTimeMode.Loop; chart1.RealTime.LoopMarker.Color = Color.Red; //---Axis-X settings chart1.AxisX.Min = DateTime.Now.ToOADate(); chart1.AxisX.LabelsFormat.Format = AxisFormat.DateTime; chart1.AxisX.Grids.Major.Visible = true; //Axis-Y settings chart1.AxisY.Step = 2; chart1.AxisY.Min = 0; chart1.AxisY.Max = 10; chart1.UpdateSizeNow(); private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (pointsCount < nTotalPoints - 2) pointsCount = anzahlPoints + 3; else { if (pointsCount == nTotalPoints) { chart1.RealTime.Mode = RealTimeMode.Scroll; pointsCount = pointsCount+ 3; } } chart1.RealTime.BeginAddData(3, RealTimeAction.Append); chart1.Data.X[0, 0] = todayDate.ToOADate(); chart1.Data.Y[0, 0] = 5; chart1.Data.X[1, 0] = todayDate.ToOADate(); chart1.Data.Y[1, 0] = 7; chart1.Data.X[2, 0] = todayDate.ToOADate(); chart1.Data.Y[2, 0] = 9; chart1.RealTime.EndAddData(true, true); todayDate = todayDate.AddDays(1); } Result: I'm not getting lines at the application start. After the third point, markers are linked successively in pairs. My question: - How to choose the right buffersize for Datetime-X-Values? - How th show Datetime labels on the X-Axis? - I want to reproduce the RealtimeCharts-Sample (no markers) with Datetime value, without knowing how many points I have in my Database? Thank you in advance
  7. Thank you very much, the Annotation-object must be created at runtime: chart1.MenuBar.Visible = true; chart1.ToolBar.Visible = true; ChartFX.WinForms.Annotation.Annotations annot = new ChartFX.WinForms.Annotation.Annotations(); annot.Chart = chart1; annot.ToolBar.Dock = DockArea.Top; annot.ToolBar.Visible = true; That works in form-constructor but not in eventhandler form-load.
  8. I want to have the menu bar on the bottom of the chart, under it the toolbar, under it the annotation bar. The problem is : - when the toolbar, menubar are visible the menubar is under the toolbar, even though I change the dock-properties. - which are the right properties's settings to get the three bars always in the right order Menu/tool/annotationbar? if one the three bars invisible ist the order still the sam for the others for example: toolbar invisible => order Menu/annotation. - How can I customize the menubar? is it possible to do it as the toolbar? thank you
  9. I have realized it with this code, it works: void chart1_InternalCommand(object sender,ChartFX.WinForms.CommandUIEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandId == chart1.Commands[CommandId.PrintDialog].ID) { chart1.Printer.Document.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(pd_PrintPage); chart1.Printer.Margins.Top = 100; // Place where th logo will be printed chart1.Printer.ForceColors = true; chart1.Printer.Compress = true; } } void pd_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.DrawImage( Image.FromFile("logo.bmp"), new Point(e.PageBounds.X , e.PageBounds.Y)); return;} Thank you for the reply we have already ordered ChartFX.
  10. - We have decided to buy ChartFX7 in the next few days and the company's name and logo in the bottom of each page are required, when the chart is printed.That's why I tried the following Code : void chart1_InternalCommand(object sender, ChartFX.WinForms.CommandUIEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandId == chart1.Commands[CommandId.PrintDialog].ID) { PrintDocument printDoc = new PrintDocument(); printDoc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(pd_PrintPage); chart1.Printer.Document = printDoc; chart1.Printer.ForceColors = true; chart1.Printer.Compress = true; } } void pd_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.DrawString("Company's name", new Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.Black, 25, 25, StringFormat.GenericTypographic); chart1.Paint(e.Graphics, new Rectangle(0, 0, e.MarginBounds.Width, e.MarginBounds.Height), PaintStyles.Print); } => Result: I had the following problems: 1) It take a lot of time until the chart is printed 2) the chart is printed, but It looks very strange, HUGE MARKERS, WRONG DATETIME FORMAT, a little bit LEFT ALIGNED => I want to have the same default-printed View but with a Company's name and Logo CAN ANY ONE HELP ME? thx in advance
  11. I have found the reason of that: I was creating the series dynamically, adding dataitems in a loop and increasing the number of points. I have changed the code : - first creating dataseries - second passing dataitems to the series. It works now thank you for the reply
  12. Hello - the (chart/allSeries),gallery = lines; - I removed the three default series of the chart. - I created dynamically three other Series. To each one of the the new series, I assigned the following properties: chart1.Data.Series = this.chart1.Data.Series + 1;chart1.Series[chart1.Series.Count - 1].Text = seriesText;chart1.Series[chart1.Series.Count - 1].Gallery = Gallery.Lines;chart1.Series[chart1.Series.Count - 1].Line.Style = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;chart1.Series[chart1.Series.Count - 1].Line.Width = 2; => I'm getting Markers displayed but not lines Can anyone help me to fix it? thank you in advance
  13. I have the folowwing code: this.chart1.Data.Series = 0; // When I create the chart, the default count of series is 3 , so I wanted to remove the series by resetting the count; It doesn't work this.chart1.Data.Series ++; // the number of series becomes 4 this.chart1.Series[chart1.Series.Count - 1].Text = "testName"; // the Text I is assigned to the 4th Element. Is there a way to get it working. I have also tried chart1.Series.clear() and remove(), removeAt() => It doesn't work
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