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  1. Only things that have been changing on that server have been MS Security patches -- but we all know that those do change things :-) I have installed the latest Service patch from the Support site and everything is now working again. Thanks for the input, Bret
  2. My web application just began to get the following error on pages that have worked fine for years (no recent changes to anything) Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115' Unexpected error /chartfx.asp A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running. I found the following code on another post and ran it with the same resulst .. <!-- Include this file so we can use all the ChartFX constants --> <!-- #include virtual="CfxIE.inc" --> <% ' Create the object on the server Set chart = Server.CreateObject("ChartFX.WebServer") ' The samples look better in white chart.RgbBk = RGB(255,255,255) %> <% Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).Title= "Sales Chart" Chart.Axis(Axis_Y).TitleColor=RGB(0,0,255) Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).TitleFontMask = Chart.Axis(AXIS_Y).TitleFontMask Or CF_ARIAL Or CF_CF_BOLD Or 10 %> <%= chart.GetHtmlTag(500,350) %> Please advise. Thanks.
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