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  1. I know what you want: Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent then if u run c:\test\script.ps1 from c:\ the output will be c:\test
  2. oh thanks that was a bit easyer. Im still learning how ps works but im wery greatfull of all the help.
  3. My problem is that i want to have 2 wmiobjects in the same gauge This one i want to be the main gauge Get-WmiObject win32_Processor | out-gauge -value LoadPercentage -float -refresh 0:0:1 And this one i want to be a innergauge get-wmiobject Win32_Process | group-object -property group | out-gauge -value count -type digital -refresh 0:0:1 I know how to use same object with two diffrent values in a gauge but how do i use two diffrent objects in the same gauge? BubbleChart1.zip
  4. I figured ut out. The command line loks like this: get-wmiobject Win32_Process | group-object -property group | out-gauge -value count -type digital -refresh 0:0:1 -float
  5. Hi there. How do i get a gauge that shows me how many processes that are running i have tried this $temp = { $ps = ps $ps.count } &$temp | out-gauge -type digital -refresh 0:0:1 It almost work but it won't refresh
  6. thx m8. It worked perfectly if anyone else is reading this i also used -ValueFormat "##.00" and devided the value with 1024/1024 to get it in MB
  7. Hi there! Im on a litle project and need some help. How do i transform values like network speed that are in Bytes in Kbytes My commandline so far looks like this: Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_Redirector | out-gauge -value BytesTotalPersec -float -refresh 0:0:1 -type digital
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