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Everything posted by serious

  1. Hello, How can I change label/tooltip format in HorizontalGauge? I need labels/tooltips to be displayed in "#,##0.##M" format. I tried HorizontalGauge.MainIndicator.Format.FormatCustom, but this doesn't help. Please advise ASAP. My configuration: VS2008 SP1 Latest ChartFX Gauges ChartFX.Base, Version 6.2.1342.0 ChartFX.WebForms.Gauge, Version1.0.2601.0 Best regards, Oleg Yaroshevych.
  2. ChartFX team, I've found serious problem in Chart FX. When I set Axis.LogBase=1, ChartFX goes into the endless loop. I had to kill ASP.NET process to stop it. You can reproduce this bug with any sample shipped with your product, for example, with AxisLabels sample. My configuration: XP SP3 IIS 5.1 VS 2008 Chart FX 7.0 (ChartFX.WebForms, Version=7.0.3306.26568) Best regards, Oleg Yaroshevych
  3. serious

    Pie charts

    Thanks a lot. It works.
  4. serious

    Pie charts

    Hello, I also think that pie charts size may be bigger than they are at the moment. Please look at my screen shot. Pies to the left have original size. Pies to the right were increased by me, they look much better. What prevents component from creating a full size pie chart? There are a lot of free space on chart, and even if minimum between the width and height will be used as the pies diameter, they should be bigger. Please check this issue. I also believe that for 3d charts height and width should be calculated separately, that is you shouldn't just take minimum of them when calculating pie diameter. Best regards, Oleg.
  5. Hello, I am using ChartFX charts in an AJAX panel. I discovered that in Safari browser hints are displayed incorrectly after panel refresh. Looks like image map doesn't refresh when image refreshes. Links that I use for drilldown also work incorrectly (I use Chart.AllSeries.Link). The same code works fine in IE and FF. Please refer to the code I've attached to reproduce the problem. Move mouse over a chart to check the hints. My configuration: Chart FX 7.0.2893.24916 Safari 3.1.1 (525.17) FF IE 7.0.5730.11 So, what should I do to get it work in Safari? Best regards, Oleg
  6. Here is the screenshot with "prevent collisions" feature enabled. Best regards, Oleg
  7. Frank, Thanks for pointing me out on Chart.Hidden field. It works. I manually adjusted point labels layout for the specific chart data. All labels are visible, and user can determine which label belongs to which category. See the screenshot. It is better to use PointLabels-LineAlignment="Center" for small categories, but currently it doesn't works (labels are clipped). <chartfx7:Chart ID="LowApproversChart" runat="server" Height="400px" DataSourceID="LowApproversDataSource" RandomData-Series="8" Width="375px" ContextMenus="False"> <AxisX Title-Text=""> </AxisX> <SpecialObjects> <chartfx7galleries:Bar /> </SpecialObjects> <DataSourceSettings> <Fields> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Approved" Name="Approved" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Closed" Name="Closed" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Cancelled" Name="Cancelled" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Reconciled" Name="Reconciled" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Disapproved" Name="Disapproved" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Approval In Process" Name="ApprovalInProcess" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Pending Approval" Name="PendingApproval" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Open" Name="Open" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Name" Name="Name" Usage="Label" /> </Fields> </DataSourceSettings> <AllSeries Gallery="Bar" PointLabels-Visible="True" Stacked="Normal"> </AllSeries> <LegendBox Dock="Bottom" Border="None"> </LegendBox> <View3D Enabled="True" /> <Series> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Approved" PointLabels-Alignment="Far" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Closed" PointLabels-Alignment="Near" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Cancelled" PointLabels-Alignment="Near" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Reconciled" PointLabels-Alignment="Far" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Disapproved" PointLabels-Alignment="Center" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Approval In Process" PointLabels-Alignment="Near" PointLabels-LineAlignment="Far" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Pending Approval" PointLabels-Alignment="Far" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Open" PointLabels-Alignment="Near" PointLabels-LineAlignment="Center" /> </Series> <Titles> <chartfx7:TitleDockable Text="Top least active aprovers" /> </Titles> </chartfx7:Chart>
  8. Frank, By the way, look at my first screen shot. There is a lot of space where to put point labels, but your algorithm didn't do this. Best regards, Oleg
  9. Hi, Frank, I agree that my case is a bit complex, and maybe it is not a situation your algorithm was designed for. I don't see how, even doing it manually you can organize the labels on this chart making clear which label corresponds to which segment. At least chart can hide empty categories, so "0" point label will not be shown (There is another disadvantage in current behavior: topmost empty category in the stacked bar chart is visible in 3D view). You should think about hiding empty categories in the charts. It may be a property in the component interface. One more thing that prevent point labels displaying correctly sometimes is that the only option when they are always visible is LineAligment=Far. When we use LineAligment=Near labels are not shown sometimes, and with LineAligment=Center they are partially showed. You can easily reproduce this behavior in VS designer. I think if you will be able to address these issues, the algorithm may perform much better. I realize that my ideas may be unacceptable for your components, but at least you should think about these things. Information that your algorithm doesn't guarantee that all items should be shown was new for me. It would be great if you'll add it in the documentation. Best regards, Oleg.
  10. Thanks for the suggestion related to the pie charts. It seems to be acceptable for us. As for stacked bar charts problems. Setting LineAligment property doesn't solve the problem. Setting Aligment works, but sometimes it may produce really confusing results. See my screen shot for example. David Bowman has 0 Disapproved items, so this category is hidden in his bar, but point label is visible. Point labels for Reconciled and Disapproved categories look like one label, so user sees that there are 50 Reconciled items. This is not acceptable behavior. Definitely, you should fix this bug with point labels layout. Please let me know if there is another workaround for this issue (I don't think it will be fixed quickly ). Best regards, Oleg. Here is my markup: <chartfx7:Chart ID="LowApproversChart" runat="server" Height="400px" DataSourceID="LowApproversDataSource" RandomData-Series="8" Width="375px" ContextMenus="False"> <AxisX Title-Text=""> </AxisX> <SpecialObjects> <chartfx7galleries:Bar /> </SpecialObjects> <DataSourceSettings> <Fields> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Approved" Name="Approved" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Closed" Name="Closed" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Cancelled" Name="Cancelled" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Reconciled" Name="Reconciled" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Disapproved" Name="Disapproved" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Approval In Process" Name="ApprovalInProcess" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Pending Approval" Name="PendingApproval" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Open" Name="Open" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Name" Name="Name" Usage="Label" /> </Fields> </DataSourceSettings> <AllSeries Gallery="Bar" PointLabels-Visible="True" Stacked="Normal"> </AllSeries> <LegendBox Dock="Bottom" Border="None"> </LegendBox> <View3D Enabled="True" /> <Series> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Approved" PointLabels-Alignment="Far" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Closed" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Cancelled" PointLabels-Alignment="Near" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Reconciled" PointLabels-Alignment="Far" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Disapproved" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Approval In Process" PointLabels-Alignment="Near" PointLabels-LineAlignment="Far" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Pending Approval" PointLabels-Alignment="Far" /> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Open" /> </Series> <Titles> <chartfx7:TitleDockable Text="Top least active aprovers" /> </Titles> </chartfx7:Chart>
  11. The problem exists in pie charts too, "prevent collisions" doesn't work.Here is my markup: <chartfx7:Chart ID="TopAlertsChart" runat="server" Height="250px" RandomData-Series="2" Width="750px" ContextMenus="False" DataSourceID="TopAlertsDataSource"> <SpecialObjects> <chartfx7galleries:Pie ExplodingMode="All" SliceSeparation="10" /> </SpecialObjects> <DataSourceSettings> <Fields> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="This Month" Name="ThisMonth" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Previous Month" Name="PrevMonth" Usage="Value" /> <chartfx7:FieldMap DisplayName="Name" Name="Name" Usage="Label" /> </Fields> </DataSourceSettings> <AllSeries Gallery="Pie" PointLabelOrganizer-AutoArrange="True" PointLabelOrganizer-Enabled="True" PointLabels-BackColor="Transparent" PointLabels-BorderColor="Transparent" PointLabels-Visible="True"> </AllSeries> <LegendBox Border="None" Dock="Bottom" PlotAreaOnly="False" Visible="False"> </LegendBox> <View3D Enabled="True" /> <Series> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="This Month"></chartfx7:SeriesAttributes> <chartfx7:SeriesAttributes Text="Previous Month"></chartfx7:SeriesAttributes> </Series> <Titles> <chartfx7:TitleDockable Text="Top alerts distribution" Font="Arial, 8pt" /> </Titles></chartfx7:Chart>
  12. Hello, I use point labels in stacked bar chart and enable "prevent collisions" feature. In VS2008 designer everything looks fine, but in the browser some point labels are not visible. What should I do to use "prevent collisions" feature correctly?Here is my markup: <AllSeries Gallery="Bar" Stacked="Normal" PointLabels-Visible="true" pointlabelorganizer-autoarrange="True" pointlabelorganizer-enabled="True"> Best regards, Oleg.
  13. Hello, I use stacked bar chart and try to use "prevent collisions" feature for the point labels. In VS2008 designer everything looks fine, but in the browser some point labels are absent. Here is my markup: <AllSeries Gallery="Bar" PointLabels-Visible="True" Stacked="Normal" pointlabelorganizer-autoarrange="True" pointlabelorganizer-enabled="True"> </AllSeries> Browser chart screen shot is in the attachment. Best regards, Oleg.
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