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Everything posted by maximop

  1. Here's the link to download the trial installer: http://www.softwarefx.com/sfxtrial/Trial_downloads.aspx?ProductID=CfxNet70
  2. We have released a new installer containing the Silverlight samples compatible with Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1. You can download the installer from the following link: ftp://ftp.softwarefx.com/Temp/ChartFX7WebForms.exe
  3. You could use the Annotation Extension to draw the lines you want to show within each bar.
  4. maximop


    For information regarding a target release date, please contact wpfATsoftwarefx.com for details.
  5. The UserLegendBox is not available as part of the design-time properties exposed by ChartFX. You need to set this in the code-behind file of the WebForm.aspx. This is normally a .cs or .vb file. The above code is for C# though.
  6. Unfortunately, this is not possible with our Radar chart. I will forward this to our development team as a feature request for consideration in future releases of ChartFX.
  7. What kind of line are you looking to draw between the bars? Can you post a screenshot showing what you're expecting to see? Please provide more detail.
  8. The easiest way to look at this is by seeing that each series represents a column in your table, while each point represents a row within that column. For example, if you are setting the Text property as follows, chart1.Points[0, 5].Text, then you are doing so for the first column and sixth row of the table being passed to the chart.
  9. The ChangedByUser event is fired before a change is performed on the chart; however, we only fire this event once since any subsequent changes are considered a waste as the chart is already dirty. Furthermore, you can implement the InternalCommand event which fires every time a chart command is processed; wether is from the MenuBar, ToolBar, or ContextMenu, this event is always fired. Unfortunately, you cannot tell exactly what change was actually done but you could let the user know that a change was made on the chart. In regards to the DISPID of the events, a list was not provided in that article since when you right click on the chart, select Events, and add the desired event, this information is automatically provided in the code within the EVENTSINK_MAP portion; however, for your convenience, I am putting here a list of the most commonly used events with their respective DISPIDs: Event DISPID AttributesChanged 21 ChangedByUser 16 DataChangedByUser 18 Highlighted 20 InternalCommand 14 MouseDown 10 MouseMove 12 MouseUp 11 UserCommand 15 PostPaint 3
  10. In order to change the Font of the LegendBox, you have to pass a new instance of the Font class as follows: chart1.LegendBox.Font = new Font("Arial", 8);I have found that the size of the font will also increase/decrease the size of the marker inside the LegendBox. The bottom line is that there is no fix solution for minimizing the size of the LegendBox; its size actually depends on how many LegendBoxItems you are showing when plotting the chart.
  11. The ChartFX.Silverlight.Client.dll and ChartFX.WebForms.Writer.Silverlight.dll provided in the sample are compiled against the 2.0 runtime of Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1. The version that was previously provided in ChartFX 7 was compiled against the Silverlight 1.1 version. The new version is not officially out as we are finishing tests so we can release this with our new installers; however, I am attaching these two new .dlls for you to try. Make sure you place them in the bin folder of your ChartFX extension. Furthermore, the sample I provided you was built using the Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 SDK and Visual Studio 2008. My machine, where I created this sample, has a clean installation of the 2.0 runtime and SDK of Silverlight. In regards to your issue, what exactly is the problem you are experiencing? Can you post a screenshot for further reference?
  12. We are currently finishing testing our ChartFX Silverlight samples for version 2.0 Beta 1. In the meantime, I am attaching a simple sample that populates a chart in a Silverlight application.
  13. When you click on reply, you should see four tabs at the top: Compose, Options, Related, and Preview. Click on the Options tab, you should see a button on the top left to Add/Update attachments.
  14. Unfortunately, the standard legend box in ChartFX for .NET 6.2 does not provide a way to order the legend box items; however, you could hide the standard legend box and create your own UserLegendBox adding each UserLegendBoxItem in the order in which you need them to show. You could do something like the following: chart1.UserLegendBox = true; UserLegendBoxItem userLegendBoxItem = chart1.UserLegendBoxObj.Item[0];userLegendBoxItem.Label = "Below 100MB"; userLegendBoxItem.Color = System.Drawing. Color.Red;userLegendBoxItem.MarkerShape = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.MarkerShape.Rect; userLegendBoxItem.BorderEffect = SoftwareFX.ChartFX. BorderEffect.None;userLegendBoxItem.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; userLegendBoxItem = chart1.UserLegendBoxObj.Item[1]; userLegendBoxItem.Label = "Below 500MB"; userLegendBoxItem.Color = System.Drawing. Color.Yellow;userLegendBoxItem.MarkerShape = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.MarkerShape.Rect; userLegendBoxItem.BorderEffect = SoftwareFX.ChartFX. BorderEffect.None;userLegendBoxItem.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; userLegendBoxItem = chart1.UserLegendBoxObj.Item[2]; userLegendBoxItem.Label = "Below 1GB"; userLegendBoxItem.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green; userLegendBoxItem.MarkerShape = SoftwareFX.ChartFX. MarkerShape.Rect; userLegendBoxItem.BorderEffect = SoftwareFX.ChartFX.BorderEffect.None; userLegendBoxItem.BorderColor = System.Drawing. Color.Black;Please note that the functionality you are looking for is available in ChartFX 7 via the LegendItemAttributes Collection. Charts.zip
  15. As I mentioned before, you can set the Text property of each individual pie slice and then use the %L variable setting of the PointLabels.Format property to show those values; in addition, you can use the %p variable setting to show the percentage that this pie slice represents. You can do as follows: chart1.AllSeries.PointLabels.Visible = true; chart1.Points[0, 0].Text = "Slice 1";chart1.Points[0, 1].Text = "Slice 2"; chart1.Points[0, 2].Text = "Slice 3";chart1.Points[0, 0].PointLabels.Format = "%L" + " is %p%%"; chart1.Points[0, 1].PointLabels.Format = "%L" + " is %p%%"; chart1.Points[0, 2].PointLabels.Format = "%L" + " is %p%%";For more information about these variable settings, please refer to the Format property of the PointLabelAttributes class in the Samples & Resource Center (Documentation installed with the product). X-Axis labels.zip
  16. The gap properties are used to set the distance in pixels between the border of the bounding rectangle (chart control) and the plot area of the chart not between the plotted area and the axes.
  17. Unfortunately, there is no way to optimize the look for the gauge labels; however, as a workaround, you could export the gauge to a memory stream, and draw the image directly to the Print Object in the PrintPage() Event using GDI+. You could provide a button in your application for PrintPreview, for example, which will fire this PrintPage() event thus showing the gauge image with much better quality. Below, please find a code snippet on how to implement this solution: public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { private MemoryStream ms;protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ms = new MemoryStream(); RadialGauge1.MainValue = 75; RadialGauge1.MainScale.Min = 0; RadialGauge1.MainScale.MinAlwaysDisplayed = true; RadialGauge1.MainScale.Max = 100; RadialGauge1.MainScale.MaxAlwaysDisplayed = true;RadialGauge1.Export(ImageFormat.Jpeg, ms); ms.Position = 0; PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(pd_PrintPage);System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog ppd = new System.Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewDialog(); ppd.Document = pd; ppd.ShowDialog(); } void pd_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms), new Point(25, 25)); } }
  18. You can use the ScrollPosition property of the DataGrid; this property scrolls the data horizontally to the specific column in the grid. You can do as follows: chart1.DataGrid.Visible = true; chart1.DataGrid.ScrollPosition = 20; The above value will scroll the DataGrid to the 20th column.
  19. maximop


    You are welcome. If you have further questions or concerns, please post it on the forum or send us an e-mail to supportATsoftwarefx.com.
  20. I am unable to see the screenshot. Can you attach the file or post a link replicating the problem?
  21. What do you mean with small squares in the background? Please post a screenshot.
  22. Is the ReportServer on a different machine? If so, please note that ChartFX for Reporting Services needs to be installed there as well.
  23. You need to set the Link Object of each pie slice in the PointAttributesCollection. Assuming you have a pie chart with three slices, you can do as follows: Chart1.Points[0, 0].Link.Url = "http://www.google.com"; Chart1.Points[0, 1].Link.Url = "http://www.softwarefx.com";Chart1.Points[0, 2].Link.Url = "http://www.yahoo.com";
  24. I am unable to replicate your problem. Please ensure that you are running the latest version of the ChartFX Gauges for .NET. You can download the latest service pack from the link below: http://support.softwarefx.com/ShowInteractive.aspx?Product=CfxGauges&option=0
  25. maximop


    Please ensure that you have added a reference to the ChartFX.WebForms.Data.dll as well as setting the namespace above.
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